Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Burton said that the work should ideally enable prisoners to earn a remission on part of their sentence , or it could earn money to pay compensation to victims .
2 ‘ Mr Balchin is using grant maintained schools as a Conservative front organisation , and that is a very dangerous game to play , ’ he said .
3 Salvatore Settis appointed head of the Getty Center for the History of Art
4 DRUG SQUAD officers have stopped plans to give visitors to the Expo ‘ 92 World 's Fair in Seville a ‘ true taste ’ of life in Bolivia .
5 Speaking at the Velo-City conference in Nottingham , Roads and Transport Minister Robert Key said local councils would be expected to include plans to improve facilities for cyclists when bidding for government funding for transport schemes .
6 The author went on to recommend this function should be added to the management agenda and a lead officer given responsibility to establish mechanisms for developing it .
7 The News of the World 's vision should stand with the many other bizarre sightings of that year , blending as it did fear of modernity evil American sophistication — the threat of revamped Limehouse opium dens , courtesy of Indica 's Indian music , and the throwback to holiday camp drilling thanks to ‘ organized ’ LSD experiences .
8 New divorce legislation reported on Dec. 9 was said to grant unprecedented rights to women , allowing divorcees to seek compensation through the courts for housework which husbands had ordered them to do during the marriage .
9 Superbike wins end hoodoo at North-West
10 So from national pride at the North Pole , the well travelled iceaxe takes pride of place on the wall of Number 10 .
11 So from national pride at the North Pole , the well travelled iceaxe takes pride of place on the wall of Number 10 .
12 The WRU has ruled that none of its players will be given permission to take part in the centenary tour of Natal planned for next summer .
13 If you tell anyone your Personal Number and that person withdraws money from your account , then the Bank will consider that you have given permission to take money from your account and the Bank will not take any responsibility for the loss .
14 Also in 1935 , the men were given permission to mark cards for the Ladies , but nothing is said of the reverse procedure .
15 He was given permission to undergo tests in a Moscow hospital , but official statements from the hospital on Feb. rejected claims that he was suffering from cancer and other dangerous infirmities , and denied that any operation was planned .
16 Jean desired this and as ‘ the king of France has given permission to make war in this land ’ , Pierre could serve in Aragon .
17 That year Lehmann also commissioned Minton to design covers for the magazine .
18 Therefore the market in a world of production is most simply seen as a network of decisions in which resource owners make plans to sell resources to producers , producers make plans to buy resources from resource owners in order to sell them ( in the form of produced commodities ) to consumers , and consumers make plans to buy commodities from producers .
19 Therefore the market in a world of production is most simply seen as a network of decisions in which resource owners make plans to sell resources to producers , producers make plans to buy resources from resource owners in order to sell them ( in the form of produced commodities ) to consumers , and consumers make plans to buy commodities from producers .
20 Therefore the market in a world of production is most simply seen as a network of decisions in which resource owners make plans to sell resources to producers , producers make plans to buy resources from resource owners in order to sell them ( in the form of produced commodities ) to consumers , and consumers make plans to buy commodities from producers .
21 Editor , — In the editorial on treating persistent glue ear in children Ruut A de Melker might also have mentioned the high rate of repeat operations to insert grommets for glue ear .
22 … the Commission will not be judging its performance against local authority spending levels since this would be incompatible with its stated mission of helping authorities to improve returns on their annual investment and , in any case , any cost reductions will not be achieved by the Commission but by members and officers of authorities demonstrating the ‘ will to manage ’ .
23 " I do n't think Nenna uses scent at all . "
24 It involves computer based work on social and spatial change at the national , regional and local authority levels ; locality research on housing markets and labour markets ; household research on the unemployed , the elderly and newly married couples .
25 HIGH Street giant Marks & Spencer yesterday revealed plans to slash prices in all its 300 stores — to woo back lost shoppers .
26 The Carlton bid comes just a week after the Government announced plans to relax rules on mergers within the ITV network .
27 He said it was probable the school would be given grant maintained status by January next year .
28 This has the merit of allowing researchers to identify changes in attitudes among a population in a more reliable way than random sampling where variations might simply be due to variations between samples .
29 Another important motivation is that of the psycholinguists who develop computer parsing systems as test-beds for hypotheses about human linguistic processing .
30 In October 1789 Charles Vial announced proposals to deliver lectures in England on the veterinary art .
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