Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] the end of " in BNC.

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1 The chain is followed until the desired record is located or the end of the chain is reached .
2 On replying : ‘ Yes , ’ he was reminded that the end of the tax year was approaching and asked if he had considered investing in a pension .
3 By 1918 these fears had reached fever pitch ; one Conservative MP recalled that his family had expected that the end of the war would be followed by atrocities like those in Russia , that " families like ours would be strung up from the nearest lamp post " ; Robert Sanders was surprised to see on Armistice Day that the crowds were actually cheering the King , so unlike the fate of the Russian royal family a few months earlier .
4 that what 's happening that the end of ninth year is an important time in terms of er er measuring er their pupils er relative success .
5 It is easier to calculate the stop index without having to worry whether the end of the row in the bigram matrix has been reached . )
6 ‘ But people should not think that the end of the Indian Tests is the end of the tour .
7 The more days went by , the more likely it became that the end of the police search would be the discovery of a corpse .
8 Sickeningly he realised that the end of the ‘ Lanc ’ had been severed off .
9 Its programmes are much the most susceptible to ‘ salami slicing ’ , since it is difficult to claim that the end of the world will come if the Army receives , say , ninety instead of a hundred tank replacements in a particular year .
10 His most recent biographer , Carl Rollyson , in The Lives of Norman Mailer , had spoken of his ( Mailer 's ) fear that the end of the Cold War might seem to rob the long-awaited Harlot 's Ghost of its potency and relevance .
11 These developments do not , however , mean that the end of the inner city problem is in sight , but instead tend to mask its growing severity .
12 From the analogy with the surface of the earth , one might expect that the end of the universe would be similar to the beginning , just as the North Pole is much like the South Pole .
13 This would be searchable in either direction , which could be useful in some parallel application for string searching , or just allowing for reverse searching because the end of the string is more restrictive .
14 The queue on Sat am was outrageous , and I was told that the end of it would n't get Oxford tickets , so I just left and hoped for the best with the fax request .
15 Perhaps you can foretell when the end of the Earth will be ? ’
16 ‘ Are you getting on holiday ? ’ said one , relieved that the end of the farming year was at hand .
17 We know that the end of this life is a gateway into another life , far more wonderful than anything we have yet experienced .
18 For this reason , when games theorists talk about the Iterated or Repeated Prisoner 's Dilemma game , they always assume that the end of the game is unpredictable , or known only to the banker .
19 A CLI command file is terminated when the end of the file is reached or it is suspended ( see later ) .
20 It is even rumoured that the end of September is the deadline for the Government 's decision .
21 Lotus was also in trouble and Mr Chapman decided that the end of the road had come for the Seven .
22 They believe that the end of the world is about to come , and their conviction gives them a certain maniacal courage .
23 THE news about the closure of Cammell Lairds , and redundancies at British Aerospace , Umbro and many many others , meant that the end of 1992 brought bad news to many of the people in our diocese .
24 Of course I did n't mean that the end of the book was very like your own experience , but I was afraid it might be too close for your comfort .
25 At the meeting er , of the Financial Resources Committee that I attended on Wednesday the first thing we discussed was the er the giving so far , up to the end of February from the various provinces and we , by the end of February er , the total was up to thirty thousand pounds less than we required er which could mean that the end of the year it could be a hundred and eighty thousand pounds less than required but er of all the
26 ‘ We had hoped that the end of the year — 1992 — which is the first part of our financial year ( CGI ends its fiscal year on August 31 ) , would signal a recovery , but although the first two months — September and October — improved on the year before , they were followed by November and December , which were less and less good , ’ said Robert Mallet , president-director general of the group .
27 The first value is collected from the look-up table and stored in location DELAY , which is checked to ensure it is not zero , because a zero value indicates that the end of the table has been reached .
28 This held true even in marriage ( a man who loved his wife too passionately was an adulterer , said St Jerome , who was not a man you 'd invite to parties ) ; and rampant millenarianism encouraged the tendency , since if you think that the end of the world , no , this world , is imminent , then procreation must seem something of a waste of time , and preparing your soul for Judgement Day will be pushed up your list of priorities .
29 But the reason for the cod 's decline is fiercely debated , with the Canadian and European fishing industry 's blaming each other , and some arguing that the end of the seal hunt has contributed to the problem .
30 I 'll be arguing that the end of imperialism and communism might be a wonderful thing , but that period of instability , that period of change can be very dangerous .
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