Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] the next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I 'll know that the next time it comes up in erm
2 Just to let you know that the next meeting of Nether Wyresdale PC will be on Thursday 17th June in the school at 7.30 p.m .
3 Those in the Member class wish to transfer to Fellowship are reminded that the next meeting of the Fellowship Committee will be held on 29 September 1993 .
4 We may adopt another Maoist metaphor and say that the next revolution will be like a straw sandal made in his home province of Hunan .
5 I 'd resolved that the next woman I let into my life would be chosen with my mind and my heart — not my eyes and my libido ! ’
6 But it looks like the next generation is here .
7 Well I suppose a very junior clerk , the first job I was given was , well it 's unheard of in this day and age but what they had was what they call a bundi clock and there every driver and conductor had got a key that was inserted in this clock and on it was his personal number , well when he reported for duty , he inserted this key into the clock , turned the handle and stamped on to a piece of paper , a roll of paper , his number and the time he reported and the next day it was my job to go through and record from this piece of paper how many minutes they were late f reporting for duty and if they erm were more than , I think about three or four minutes we had to send them a memo telling them , that 's how things were in those days that people were , they toed the line or else .
8 On April 16 a leading Amal military official was assassinated in Beirut ; Hezbollah was blamed and the next day Hezbollah-Amal street fighting erupted , leaving two dead and 42 wounded .
9 And obviously , for whatever relevance it is , he was later on caught because the next entry after that is in March nineteen ninety one he was released on parole from prison .
10 After you have finally dropped off , sometime after three a.m. , you can generally snatch a couple of hours ’ sleep before the next round of jollities begins soon after dawn .
11 For one thing I I do n't think that the next generation of parents are going to stand it because with the , cos I told you what , what I said Neil about erm when er when he was a father I said if you had a pretty fifteen year old daughter would you want to have some rough oaf taking her down a back alley and screwing her ?
12 Of the retired officers three-quarters backed Labour 's policies on the peace process , and 90 per cent agreed that the next government should negotiate with the Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) in return for recognition of the state of Israel and renunciation of terrorism .
13 Peter and I agreed that the next step should be for us ( you ? ) to circulate the above topic/author proposals as an Aunt Sally to Paul and Jackie Schachter to see if this coincides at all with their thinking .
14 On April 9 the Conference agreed that the next meeting would be held on April 26 following which formal devolution talks would begin and continue until the next planned meeting of the two sides on July 16 [ see p. 38156 ] .
15 so we agreed that the next time a priest was around
16 On March 27 President Alia announced that the next session of the People 's Assembly would begin on April 4 .
17 Sometimes he was roped in to be the MC at these dances , which , for those who know only disco dancing , means Master of Ceremonies , and it was he who announced that the next dance would be a waltz , or a foxtrot , and was not supposed to dance himself until everyone else was on the floor .
18 Fear that the next move will be worse .
19 They planned that the next wave of new machinery would be installed in an area away from the shop-floor where engineers would try out working practices so that shop-floor workers would simply not have the chance to gain the upper hand .
20 Time to reflect that the next deployment is to Denmark in the autumn , then Norway in winter , before the delights of northern Italy in spring .
21 The writer means that she or he has discussed the poem 's meaning , but the sentence literally says that the next stanza discusses the poem 's beginning ( an unintended meaning ) .
22 Doctor what , if that happens Doctor says that the next time he wants to see us along with him .
23 Intel has decided that the next generation of PC processors needs to have a better name than the 586 .
24 Lothian Regional Council has decided that the next section of the Edinburgh City Bypass to be constructed as a matter of priority will be the Sighthill Section .
25 Well the only thing is that I hope that the next generation that is coming along now will appreciate what has been done for their generation because it took a long time for us to get what we wanted for our children and now with our grandchildren are coming along I hope the town will improve with their growth .
26 At least , I hope that the next slit trench is more comfortable , with fewer mosquitoes , and a minimum of mortaring .
27 Personally , I hope that the next Edition returns to the rather more universally useful format of the first .
28 I think you have to remember that the next line begins , If , so it 's not just a pro it is , it is a nationalistic song , but it 's not just a proclamation that they will be , erm ,
29 It seemed that the next minute he had thrust open the kitchen door and was advancing on her ; and then he was gripping her shoulder , saying , ‘ Where is she ?
30 With each provocation it seemed that the next step would be an outright Russian invasion .
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