Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [v-ing] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The claim is sometimes made of a lack of continuity in policy which has been damaging to growth : in particular , that political changes have inhibited consistent action by civil servants .
2 Well in the last hour reporter Claire Lafferty has been speaking to Martin Frears ' father in Cheltenham .
3 NORMA Major has been listening to Jarvis 's Frayn , the latest cassette recording from actor Martin Jarvis , on her car cassette .
4 It has been suggesting to UNTAC , the UN authority in Cambodia , whose mandate requires it to stay until the elected assembly writes and enacts a constitution , that the election was rigged in the places ( like the capital , Phnom Penh ) where the CPP did worst .
5 Stanley has been going to Scourie for more than twenty years and knows every single blade of grass and stone , by name ; he can take you to a loch and point out precisely where you will catch fish and where you wo n't , to the inch , and Stanley is never wrong .
6 Terry Major , 59 , has been going to Butlin 's at Bognor Regis in West Sussex for 20 years .
7 Philip Jones Griffiths , a Magnum photographer who has been going to Vietnam for 23 years , say , s ‘ We used to joke that you can take the photographer out of Vietnam but not Vietnam out of the photographer ’ .
8 She has been going to therapy since she was about two . ’
9 Immediately before this extract , speaker B ( female , 50+ , aunt of speaker A ) has been describing to speaker A ( female , 20+ ) the first type of radio she had , forty years before .
10 ‘ I 've been thinking , ’ said Melissa while Iris ladled out dollops of home-made fruit yoghurt , ‘ whoever has been coming to Angy 's class and calling herself Delia Forbes must know the real Delia is away . ’
11 DAVID WALMSLEY has been talking to Ulster 's faces of the future .
12 Mr Perelman has been talking to Shearson and its parent , American Express , about buying a 20 per cent shareholding in the broking business .
13 The Home Secretary has been talking to Peter Murphy about the siege and the efforts to end it .
14 IBM Corp 's dismantling of the Armonk politburo to follow Chairman Mao 's ‘ Let 100 Flowers Bloom ’ dictum has really let the genie out of the bottle , and Infoworld has been talking to consultants that say the company is planning to enter the tents of the enemy by putting a version of the DB2 database up under Windows NT .
15 IBM Corp 's dismantling of the Armonk politburo to follow Chairman Mao 's ‘ Let 100 Flowers Bloom ’ dictum has really let the genie out of the bottle , and Infoworld has been talking to consultants that say the company is planning to enter the tents of the enemy by putting a version of the DB2 database up under Windows NT .
16 Childrens World marketing communications controller John Forester says he has been talking to agencies with the knowledge of the incumbent GGT and insists there is no review of the Sears-owned business .
17 The Mercury One-2-One Ltd digital cellular joint venture between Cable & Wireless Plc and US West Inc has been talking to Reuters , and says it is not seeking to trigger a price war with Cellnet Mobile Communications Ltd and Vodafone Group Plc .
18 Following on from last month , It seems that GeoWorks has been talking to Casio and Tandy about putting its graphical front-end on hand-held computers , slated to compete with the so-far non-existent Apple Newton .
19 Rebecca Marston has been talking to Ken Schwarz , Director of Development at the company who 've published the figures on executives pay .
20 Frank Strandli has been talking to Howard Wilkinson about his future at Elland Road .
21 For several weeks , Apple Computer Inc has been showing to developers prototypes of those two new high-end computers that according to US PC Week could create a breakthrough in performance and multimedia capabilities .
22 He used some statistics about what has been happening to jobs and businesses recently .
23 It was just as well Kenneth 's phone was n't engaged because , presumably , if he 'd been chatting to John Major about the situation in the Middle East , or talking to David Mellor about fun , poor old Johan would have been chucked out of the country .
24 And he 'd known it , all the time he 'd been trying to bed her .
25 She 'd thought at the time — fleetingly , without really dwelling on it — that he 'd been referring to Arnie with these remarks .
26 I told him I 'd been talking to Richie .
27 Of course , he 'd been talking to Maria Luisa ; he had nothing to say to Steve .
28 We 'd been moaning to Malcolm about wanting to play some gigs .
29 ‘ No , you came here wanting to know what I 'd been saying to Mr Kronweiser today . ’
30 'We 're going to Disneyland , ’ Paul says .
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