Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For one thing , there has been nothing in the festival from the really great names , save for Satyajit Ray , whose transposition of An Enemy Of The People seems to me , though hardly on the top level of his work , to be both eloquent and deeply felt .
2 My thoughts this evening are much centred on Bishop Harris as he prepares to lay down the ministry which has been his for the past 14 years .
3 If I am unfortunate enough to experience the untimely death of several people I am attached to so that it forms something of a pattern , then I am likely to experience considerable difficulty with my bereavements : there has been none of the unconscious preparation for the death of someone close that goes on in our awareness of incidents that are likely to occur .
4 Aristos of Salamis in Cyprus , who probably lived in the middle of the third century B.C. , is said by Arrian ( 7.15.5 ) to have been one of the two historians who not only spoke of an embassy of the Romans to Alexander the Great , but made Alexander prophesy the future greatness of Rome , so impressed was he by the envoys .
5 So impressed was it with the Darlington operation that it also adopted the design of the questionnaire and the logo .
6 There 'd been something in the local papers about me and my work , and these girls , aged about eight to eleven years old , sent me a book of poems they 'd written , printed and sold to raise money .
7 You know , it is only when he came to that final page that he realized where the theme came from , so absorbed was he in the process of composition .
8 So absorbed was she in the effort of preparing herself mentally for what lay ahead that she did not glance upstream as she drove across Cookham Bridge and wonder why there were no party-goers gathered round a marquee on the lawn of Swans ' Meadow , why indeed there was no marquee pitched on the lawn at all .
9 But I see there 's blood sausage , ’ he said , and sent them such a terrible leery grin , that Snodgrass , who had been cutting himself a slice from this , which he had innocently thought was something like the spicy Renascian liver-and-wine-roll , recoiled and snatched his hand back as if he had been burnt .
10 Who get 's what in the post-Soviet fall-out
11 She wished that Fernando had in fact made fiery , passionate and glorious love to her on that blanket , because at least her body would have been sated and that would have been something at the very least .
12 ‘ I just felt that though we were 14 when we last met there must have been something of the child left in our features to make us recognize each other after half a century . ’
13 Many observers noticed the force and weight of his presence ; it might be called dedication , or ambition , or it might have been something below the level of consciousness which propelled him forward .
14 There must have been something in the Florida air in addition to vitamin C. One of the passes from Vinny Testaverde , the Tampa Bay quarterback , went through the hands of his intended receiver right in front of the goal-line , and into the hands of a team-mate , Mark Carrier , for a touchdown .
15 This would have been what in the late forties or fifties , would this be ?
16 The second Adam came , however , not only to save humankind , but to take us on to the destiny that should have been ours in the first place .
17 Little is known of eruptions there , but there may have been one in the last decade , since sets of aerial photographs of the island taken many years apart show some slight changes .
18 Then when we come back to stand down , we came back to Tolbertstead well we was in Tolbertstead so the Tolbertstead canteen staff got some hot prepared some hot drinks and so when we come back we was able to have a hot drink and erm it was the duty of er the sergeants to see that the rifles were empty free , no am no , there was n't er there was n't one up the spout , one bullet left in the , in the rifle and er Sergeant , the barber , was checking our rifles anyway he , he was check , check , check , check and er alright he mischecked one and pulled the trigger and there was a bullet through the roof in the , in the he was holding it up or otherwise there 'd have been somebody on the floor but er he , he missed this one bullet through the canteen roof .
19 It must have been somebody from the village .
20 Who the other call was to Jihan has never revealed , but it is certain that it must have been someone of the highest importance , and that her purpose was to obtain from the most authoritative source possible some outside indication of what was happening in Egypt .
21 It must have been someone from the village , Rose said : who else would be walking in the woods at that hour ?
22 Some people swore it must have been someone in the Martin family .
23 ‘ Of course , ’ Athelstan continued , ‘ the assassin may have been someone in the Tower who knew where Sir Ralph lay , and seized the opportunity of the moat freezing over to gain access to the footholds on the North Bastion .
24 My actual words I believe were something in the line of telling Helen to mind her own business and to keep her nose out of my affairs , but Beth and Ida could never understand why I reacted so violently .
25 What he thought he needed was someone with the public fame to take over the leadership and to hold a candle to the great names of Lloyd George , Austen Chamberlain , Churchill , Birkenhead and Balfour .
26 But so seized was he by the divine knowledge , so ‘ evangelistically ’ fixed with its potency , that his exploits on its behalf quickly created his legend .
27 Just one question was asked to each of the chosen seven : How heavily influenced are you by the sentiments of groups like The Smiths and do you think that a record like that is capable of causing a drastic change in your attitudes to a subject like vegetarianism ?
28 So dim was it under the trees that she had to get close up before she could make certain that the second figure was a nine .
29 Other signalmen had similar stories to tell and some refused to work the box , so frightened were they of the strange events .
30 Donna chewed her lip contemplatively as she read , forced to run her index finger beneath the words , so jumbled and irregularly formed were they on the faded page .
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