Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] call for [art] " in BNC.

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1 I believe that had there been television in those days , the British cricket public would have been shocked by what they say and called for an early end to it all , irrespective of the rights and wrongs of Bodyline .
2 The Pan-African Union for Social Democracy called for the total rejection of any modification of the election timetable , while on Sept. 15 the National Alliance for Democracy ( AND ) , a grouping of about 40 political parties , demanded that the 12-month transition period be respected and called for a reshuffle of André Milongo 's transitional government .
3 But most worrying of all , the subordinate group may be unaware of its ‘ real ’ interests and subscribe to the inevitability of the status quo : a fact which Lukes ( 1974 ) recognised when calling for a ‘ three-dimensional ’ or radical approach to the study of power .
4 Although no breakthrough was achieved in the discussions , the Japanese delegation offered its approval of North Korea 's signature of the safeguards accord and called for an early inspection of the country 's nuclear facilities .
5 Three girls rushed up to help and call for an ambulance .
6 The Chairman of the Sports Council , Peter Yarranton , concurred and called for the expansion of pay and play facilities to at least 30% of all future developments to allow ‘ sport for all ’ .
7 He thought that called for a reaction .
8 Some fans have been on to say that calling for the manager 's dismissal is not the answer .
9 During a visit to Jordan on Jan. 10 , Farouq Qaddumi , who was appointed to the foreign affairs portfolio of the Palestinian government-in-exile in April 1989 [ see p. 36536 ] , said that the Baker plan had failed and called for a meeting of the Palestine National Council ( PNC , the Palestinian parliament-in-exile ) to discuss future strategy .
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