Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , there is no agreement among researchers as to the length of this " natural " period of abstaining or to the length that amounts to a " contraceptive method " or to a " traditional custom of post-partum abstinence " .
2 I do n't mind presenting to people I do n't know or to the people I work with .
3 Walking or cycling to work or to the station instead of using the car , and exercising the dog regularly ( breathing deeply and keeping a good posture as we walk ) , are ways of incorporating exercise into the normal schedule .
4 This can include walking to work or to the shops , jogging , skipping , swimming or dancing .
5 He must try to communicate that to the children who were filled with evident self-recrimination , Katherine particularly .
6 Perhaps it is useful to observe that to the extent that the human indexer selects the terms for inclusion in the golist , the indexing language is controlled .
7 It is a tale full of interest , and it reveals an attitude to work and to the Service that makes pleasant reading ( unhappily some authors give the impression they had a less than fulfilling time while in the RAF ) .
8 Later , I felt there was a need to lay some foundations of understanding as to the doctrine of the church and for several months expounded Ephesians under the title : ‘ Build your church , Lord . ’
9 My own view is that for readers to be promised even a glimmer of understanding as to the origins of our world and the universe was tempting enough , but the further promise that it was to be told briefly was irresistible .
10 Where the Auditors and Purchaser 's Accountants disagree as to the valuation of an item and , where the disputed element of the valuation is less than [ £1,000 ] for an individual item , or the aggregate value of all disputed elements of valuation within the stock and work in progress are less than [ £10,000 ] both parties shall agree to accept the Auditors ' valuation .
11 Where the Auditors and Purchaser 's Accountants disagree as to the valuation of an item and , where the disputed element of the valuation is less than £1,000 for an individual item , or the aggregate value of all disputed elements of valuation within fixed assets are less than £3,000 both parties shall agree to accept the Auditors ' valuation .
12 The indexer can either be constrained as to the number of themes to index per document , or be given the option of indexing as many themes as possible .
13 Order 69 of the Rules of the Supreme Court contains a single set of provisions applying as to the service of foreign process in England .
14 He recommended excursions into the surrounding countryside , and for his class of people he could think of nowhere better to go than to the grounds of the ancestral mansion of Studley park , some ten miles from the town .
15 For the most part I go out to have a good time , and hopefully communicate that to the audience
16 And I liken that to the power from above which can execute our sinful selves .
17 Therefore , in looking at this diagram , one needs to realize that to the southwest er and just east of er Strensall erm the area is filled up by greenbelt .
18 How would he explain that to the police , if after Sir Henry 's death he then inherited the Baskerville lands and fortune ? ’
19 Thus for increasing exposure a rise in the reading could be due either to new material seen or to the phenomenon that we have called spreading , i.e. the effect according to which a subject is seen as larger merely because of a longer exposure .
20 And I would say it 's on highways with your traffic on the access and on parking , and added that to the list , I did n't say that in the first instant .
21 I told that to the American who came to my office and made the offer .
22 Not that anyone would repeat that to the Queen , but … ’
23 This entails listening , observing and relating to both what is being said and to the feeling with which this information is given ’ ( Neill , 1989 , p. 8 ) .
24 Each paragraph should begin with a sentence which relates what comes next to the last point you have made and to the structure of the essay as a whole .
25 Probably such a combined order was only appropriate where all the parties agreed to it being made and to the conditions .
26 Tremendous publicity was given to the circumstances in which this movie had been made and to the way in which the director had shot some forty reels ; ‘ the eight-hour day for movie fans has not yet dawned ’ was the thankful comment of Robert Sherwood , but few critics doubted that the film conveyed much of the anger , ugliness , and brutality of the novel .
27 Yet each in his own way sincerely struggled to impose order on a country where Lowlander and Highlander rarely met in friendship , and could rarely communicate in the same tongue ; where there was the continual threat of another English excuse for invasion , often abetted by self-seeking elements within the kingdom itself ; and where arrogant noblemen prolonged family feuds disruptive not merely to the families conceded but to the governance of the kingdom itself .
28 All pilot proposals will be evaluated as to the contribution they will make to the Development Programme and , in the case of colleges without a Validation Procedures Agreement ( for details of this see UPDATE 1 ) , proposals will be considered by Scrutiny Panels set up by SCOTVEC .
29 I do not propose to speculate as to the decision of a reviewing court on the question of reasonableness .
30 Would my right hon. Friend care to speculate as to the impact on pensioner living standards of the suggestion that petrol prices be increased by 50p per gallon , and especially the impact on pensioners who live in the country and who need a motor car for shopping and other aspects of life ?
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