Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] give the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Lizzie is just the sort of excellent middle-class high achiever that gives the middle class a bad name .
2 This is true , but on the other hand it must be said that to give the wrong answer to a problem is not necessarily to miss the point of it .
3 Gusev knew from experience that sooner or later something would emerge and give the vital clue .
4 Since wages and prices tend to be ‘ sticky ’ in the downward direction , the only way that the price mechanism can work and give the appropriate signals is for the prices of different goods and services to rise at different rates .
5 I believe that given the potential field to whom we circulated details , over 65 UK companies alone , that this level of response is not unreasonable .
6 At present , the genomic structure of the human N-Oct 3 gene is not known but given the short evolutionary distance between mouse and human , we assume that the human N-Oct 3 gene does not have introns as well .
7 Your line manager will ensure that you are fully trained and given the maximum encouragement to help you become effective .
8 THEY 'VE been making room for murder at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre , Guildford this week , and proved that given the right stage , crime certainly does pay .
9 And if you are lucky enough to stumble upon a village show you will be warmly welcomed and given the best seats in the house — which might mean a patch of ground under the village banyan tree .
10 Within this chapter our concern is with those , both Marxist and non-Marxist , who have taken as given the particular direction in which technology has developed , and with those who , while accepting that it is possible and desirable to exercise some social control over technology , have taken the view that there is no fundamental conflict at the work-place and that the system of organisation there can be optimised in the light of a set of objectives to which they assume all would be able to agree .
11 The guidebook features a number of recommended cycle routes in the Garden of Amsterdam , each one tried and tested and giving the approximate distance and time you should allow to cover the journey at a leisurely pace .
12 Perhaps more fundamentally , we take as given the basic framework of political institutions .
13 The support of the staff and their willingness to adjust their provision and their reaction , clearly demonstrates that given the proper approach teachers are in both principle and practice more willing to review their methods and sustain alternatives than is usually acknowledged .
14 Charles Leece , of Ferranti , emphasised industry 's need for resists that give the same results every time , and that are free of impurities larger than 0.1 micrometres .
15 If the EEC were to acquire its own resources , then the organisation would lose the element of control over its spending that came with the existing system of national contributions : Hallstein could then argue that giving the European Parliament more authority would provide the necessary democratic control over the Commission .
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