Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The author directs attention to the all-important consideration of scale : ‘ We often see some of the smallest growing shrubs placed where the largest trees should have been planted . ’
2 But these conditions do not exist where the original parties have invested in transaction-specific assets .
3 YESTERDAY 'S Diary explained where the main parties stood on British Rail ( between carriages jammed against the netty door , very likely . )
4 Experimental cars are being developed where the rear lights are controlled by a digital code sent from a circuit at the front along an optical fibre .
5 The principles he acts upon are not adopted because of his social position or natural endowments , or in view of the particular kind of society in which he lives or the specific things that he happens to want .
6 At a rough guess , Pierremont Gardens today stands where the real gardens of Pierremont used to be .
7 More important , the Franco-Scottish armies succeeded where the Scottish ones had not .
8 I would have wished that the Liberal Democrats might have remained in their place , especially as their amendment is now before the House for debate .
9 As King Hassan celebrated the 30th anniversary of his accession to the throne on March 3 , officials disclosed that the eight members of the family of the late Gen. Mohammed Oufkir had been released on Feb. 27 after over 18 years in detention .
10 In May 1991 , it was disclosed that the Metropolitan police area was to be permanently patrolled by special units , known as ARVs ( armed response vehicles ) .
11 As investigators from the Mines Inspectorate , British Coal and unions began their inquiries into the accident , the company disclosed that the trapped men had never been in serious danger .
12 Freud had always supposed that the various forms of innate behaviour he explored had biological bases to them .
13 However , it might be supposed that the poorest conditions of all for producing plural continuations ( mixed conditions , especially in the ‘ with ’ condition ) would show the highest proportion of use of both .
14 The hon. Member for Gateshead , East looks doubtful , but in a debate in the other place yesterday , Baroness Hollis of Higham said : ’ Thirdly I suggest that a few functions would appropriately come up from the county councils . ’
15 I suggest that a few moments here on deck will suffice . ’
16 These results suggest that the adaptive changes are the direct result of contact with static faecal contents .
17 Taken together with the fact that this region is required for DNA-PK directed phosphorylation of c-Jun and , since Ser-249 of c-Jun was initially identified because it contains homology to sites of DNA-PK phosphorylation in other proteins , these data strongly suggest that the DNA-PK phosphorylates c-Jun at Ser-249 .
18 I suggest that the usual channels have a strong interest in seeing that they control this important piece of procedure .
19 In summary , such data as are at hand suggest that the optimal ages at childbearing may not be consistent among developed and developing countries or for that matter , among countries at different stages of mortality transition .
20 ( 1984 ) suggest that the mixed results obtained in recognition experiments can often be explained by the fact that researchers have concentrated on the effects of schemas on numbers of hits and false alarms in different conditions .
21 I humbly suggest that the two counties should get together .
22 To the extent to which it makes sense to speak of interactions between whole nations at all , we suggest that the two superpowers and their allies may indeed be playing something like the paranoids ' hypergame .
23 Opinion polls suggest that the two rebels have attracted a lot of sympathy .
24 The historical and geographical evidence then both suggest that the low realizations of /Ε/; ( conservative English in background ) are giving way in a linguistically ordered way to the long mid realizations characteristic of present-day Scots .
25 These preliminary results suggest that the powerful stimulants of gastric acid secretion are thermostable and anionic polar substances .
26 A number of sources of research reviewed here suggest that the major differences between good and poor readers of all ages are in word-decoding processes , and that the surest way of improving an individual 's reading ability is to improve their sight vocabulary .
27 References in three separate contexts in Ali suggest that the lowest kadiliks of which the hierarchy normally took cognizance were those at the 25 -akce level ; and these would thus seem to be equivalent to the 20-akce medreses in being the level at which a fully-trained medrese student would expect to receive his first appointment .
28 Optimistic statements from government sources suggest that the real incomes of the retired are increasing and that this group is improving its economic position with regard to the rest of society .
29 If they suggest that the legal sanctions against the abuse of power by company controllers are not wholly adequate , it must be remembered that it is but rarely that power is abused .
30 We suggest that the following principles should underlie the development of our information policies for the future :
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