Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] i [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You ought to come and visit me one day .
2 He used to come and visit me all the time , he brought money and a radio and them kind of luxuries .
3 just so many bits and pieces to do , I need to come and get this to come and give me some further comments
4 Once the amazing facts had been revealed to Kirsty during the course of her regression , she only needed to come and see me one more time .
5 He has agreed to come and see me this morning , if you 're interested . ’
6 I could continue considerably longer on this fascinating subject , in fact I have several pages of notes here if anybody wishes to come and ask me any questions .
7 ‘ I think part of me shut down because he was unavailable and I was terrified of him dying and leaving me alone . ’
8 I have to make two remarks that bring me great pleasure .
9 PICTURE THAT MADE ME SICK AT Lord Spencer 's funeral , Diana reached for Lady Spencer 's arm .
10 ‘ I was really upset but she came and found me later , ’ said Tessa .
11 I said to him you 'll have to go and get me some money cos I I ai n't got hardly any .
12 Well , like I said , I was sound asleep when Danny 's receiver started crackling and jerked me awake .
13 If you 'd done as I asked and left me alone then none of it would have happened . ’
14 Benjamin turned and nudged me alert .
15 Mrs Quigley was hyperventilating and giving me some very dirty looks indeed .
16 ‘ Joanna Dungarvan , do n't try and kid me that with your imagination you have n't already picked your wedding dress ?
17 Doubtless the NME discopolice will now sneer and tell me this is a rubbish record and the version put out by Monty Palago & Wonka Vibe Jambo and remixed by AKU Faction Z in 1969 was much better — they always do .
18 We 're running out of time as usual , so if I can just come to that final line to you to consider and give me some views on them before you go .
19 ‘ Oh mam , ’ she whispered , ‘ why did you have to die and leave me alone ? ’
20 Until some bloody Fauve went and painted me mauve
21 She just went and gave me that .
22 ‘ That was a hard woman who laughed and left me stranded . ’
23 Pass it to me please thank you , Stacey can you reach the erm , no Deana can do it , can you climb down and go and get me one of my tablets please ?
24 Right well I 'll go and get me warm clothes on .
25 I 'll go there and kiss the stones , and I 'll go and kiss me old mother who is living in Dublin with some nuns .
26 Oh , go and get me that packet of digestive biscuits
27 Now , off you go and give me some peace .
28 She did not look up as Clara entered the room , but said , " I put down large , and they go and send me outsize " .
29 For example , ‘ Thank you , I think that tells me all I need to know about your previous jobs .
30 Do come and tell me all about the latest fashions in London . ’
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