Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Property ’ is proved in most cases by describing it in the statement of the person to whom it belongs or in the police officer 's statement .
2 Already 24 of the 64 units are let or in the hands of solicitors and another 22 have attracted specific applications .
3 This can include walking to work or to the shops , jogging , skipping , swimming or dancing .
4 He must try to communicate that to the children who were filled with evident self-recrimination , Katherine particularly .
5 It later transpired that in the days immediately preceding the budget he had found time to eat only once — a poached egg at the Lyons Corner House which was then opposite the House of Commons .
6 It was generally supposed that in the days of wheel spinning six spinners were needed to keep a weaver at work , and the area around the centres of cloth manufacture within which spinning was put out was so much more extensive than that in which the weaving was undertaken that spinning was done " almost everywhere " .
7 The author suggest that for the courses sampled their existed a ‘ virtual parity ’ between the performance of NSEs and SEs .
8 Disturbed that the English were at odds with a nation that should have been one of its natural religious allies , Cromwell brought about a rapid end to the Dutch War , and during the peace negotiations he even proposed that in the interests of their common religion the English and Dutch republics should merge to form one united Protestant state .
9 All our lives , we shall know that behind the veils of the transcendent is a world of freedom waiting for us , with its meadows of delight .
10 Yet it must be stressed that in the eyes of Frederick and most of his contemporaries his rule was never a crude despotism .
11 For the Galileo story it is important to know that over the centuries Aristotle 's philosophy had become a part of Catholic orthodoxy .
12 Let it not be forgotten that in the years leading to the war the Tories were so scared of Russia that they missed the chance to establish a partnership which might well have prevented war .
13 What I would say is that we endeavour to counteract that on the reasons that I 've stated , by virtue of the fact that we invite them to read the policy .
14 I simply say that on the debates we 've had on the Policing Bill , I 've learnt what the functions of your Noble House is all about and the speech that 's just been made from across the Chamber from me , sums up entirely my views on the matter , and I say to your Lordships House that on the basis of experience as Northern Ireland Secretary when one is a Home Secretary for a province and there 's a number of people in this House who 've had a job to do including the Noble Lord , The Noble Viscount Whitelaw who set the tone of the way we all proceeded , I accept that , the one of the things we had to do there was bring democracy back to policing and the primary force of policing is taking a long time to do and that here as Home Secretary , everything I learned there was , stop the growing centralisation and the weakening of the police authorities and police force and this Bill does exactly that But now one of the questions I 've asked myself and it 's the only point because all the points have been made that I really want to ask the Government is what are these appointees for ?
15 Nobody will blame me if I say that in the circumstances I became very uneasy .
16 But his family say that in the weeks before his death , Richard had appeared worried .
17 Darwin deduced that it happened in the past from what he saw happening today-as in the finches and turtles of the Galapagos Islands .
18 In my message for World Communications Day last year , I mentioned that among the realities we celebrate on this annual occasion are the God-given gifts of speech , of hearing and of sight which make communication possible between us .
19 Is everything in Venice frozen except for the canals ? ’ she asked wickedly .
20 On checking through the Division list , I found that among the Members who sadly threw out that advanced piece of legislation were the right hon. Member for Norfolk , South ( Mr. MacGregor ) and other interesting names .
21 She found that in the boys ' peer group , powerful members used direct imperatives like ‘ gim me ’ and ‘ get off ’ .
22 Fisher wrote a kind letter to Ramsey , who found that in the circumstances it showed a generous spirit .
23 They found that in the hybrids the germ cells apparently migrated into the fetal gonads normally , and their early cell divisions proceeded normally .
24 On top of the hill was a wood of beech trees surrounded by a stone wall ; I climbed the wall and found that underneath the trees were hundreds of moss-covered gravestones of soldiers from Napoleon 's Imperial Army who had died of disease while waiting to invade England .
25 Albanian sources reported that during the talks Alia had stressed the government 's intention to develop its relations with the UN .
26 But yesterday a friend who had been telephoning around Tories who are fighting marginal seats reported that on the doorsteps more voters were saying that , although they did not like the Tories , they liked Mr Kinnock even less .
27 Some of them are below the level you expect and below the standards we want to provide , ’ it says .
28 In the new Act children are then to have a say in what they want and in the plans made for them .
29 What I 'm getting at is there 's no reason why we need , we should wait until after the surveys to start looking at trips .
30 If the judge awarded damages to the petitioner on the grounds that there was no compromise or that the compromise had been cancelled and on the grounds that the respondents had been guilty of misconduct in the Clearwater transaction , then the respondents could have appealed to the Court of Appeal and either party , losing before the Court of Appeal , could have appealed to the Privy Council as of right and on that appeal all three issues , the compromise issue , the cancellation issue and the misconduct issue could have been argued .
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