Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 1 — in west half of room , stunned , unable to move or attack or cast spells for D4 rounds , but can parry with a -20 penalty .
2 It is expected that support materials for the first clusters will be available in summer 1992 .
3 Opponents of the hunt say that killing seals for non-essential products can not be justified economically or ecologically .
4 Somehow she doubted that preparing meals for the child and the husband featured very high on the agenda .
5 Only after unsuccessful attempts in 1949 , 1950 , and 1951 did he seek and find funds for a new boat , called , like all his cars and boats , ‘ Bluebird ’ .
6 And , to try and give options for members , at different expenditure levels of how we may move forward , because it is n't a cheap process , or not if we follow the Lancashire model it is n't a cheap process , but of course we can scale our proposals down .
7 Their exclusive claim to punish clergymen for ordinary offences has long since disappeared ; the power to try and punish laymen for immorality has become practically obsolete ; their jurisdiction over the matters of ritual , and ecclesiastical offences of clergymen , such as heresy , still remains and is still exercised by them .
8 May we use our anger in a productive way to try and change things for the better .
9 During the Depression years mothers often called at the better-off houses in the neighbourhood to try and find places for their daughters and one woman recalled employing a succession of unemployed miners ' daughters to whom she paid 5/ a week .
10 Meanwhile the public sector was intensifying training opportunities to attract and develop accountants for new roles notably in health .
11 Some such concept is required to explain why different individuals reach different solutions in diagnosing and providing remedies for particular situations .
12 But as the judge quashed the indictment , the men were re-arrested in the dock and four other charges were brought : recruiting persons for training in sabotage and guerrilla warfare for the purpose of violent revolution , conspiring to aid foreign military units when they invaded the republic , furthering the aims of communism and soliciting and receiving funds for these purposes from several countries .
13 Her work was a credit to her , for in those days , long before washing machines and tumble driers she would wash , dry and iron sheets for the princely sum of 4d .
14 The general reason is that the book aims to show why a philosophical question about Explaining and Understanding matters for theories of international relations .
15 I may be adequate for staging and synchronizing embryos for some purposes , a precise analysis of developmental mechanisms can only be undertaken on cells of known age .
16 Well Mary we 'll wait and see thanks for calling on .
17 The first concern of field social workers is inevitably to find and maintain placements for children who can not live continuously with their own families .
18 Only when the Bill was amended to make it compulsory for local authorities to provide and maintain facilities for deaf children did the Liberal Government of the day allow the Bill to become law .
19 to provide and operate services for common use for carrying on such research
20 In 1955 Miss Paterson was invited to lecture and conduct courses for teachers in Montreal and at Yale .
21 Residents were sexually assaulted or goaded into assaulting one another , it was alleged , while staff looked on , drinking beer , laughing and ignoring pleas for help .
22 In 1987 , the Lord Chief Justice ( Lord Lane ) publicly backed police demands for the abolition of the suspect 's ‘ right to silence ’ ; and was reported as attacking politicians for delay in passing tougher laws on sentencing policy , a question on which the judiciary was divided .
23 The whole planning system came under fire from several quarters , including Mr Hague who called for reforms so that associated pylons and cabling would be considered when planning applications for power stations were submitted .
24 ‘ I think it would help relations between client and accountant , since the small company client often sees the audit as a waste of money and finds it hard to appreciate the amount of time involved in vouching and verifying figures for audit .
25 The forests are full of all kinds of spiders , and the Forest Goblins are experts when it comes to capturing and finding uses for these creatures .
26 Clarkson and Wilberforce , partly because they lived for so long , frequently sent off autographs with motto attached and Clarkson received and met requests for locks of his thinning hair .
27 Members of HOG are seeking to define and describe specifications for objects that will be common , interoperable features of future , productised distributed object ( and object management ) infrastructures .
28 The union achievement in establishing and applying standards for design and safe use of VDUs is more striking when one considers that these policies had already been formulated before the Government Health and Safety Executive had to issue information and advice on the subject .
29 Each program contains a dialogue offering a wide range of choices affecting , for example , selection with respect to most data items , sort orders , print items per line , print lines per record , paging , number of copies , type of stationery , destination printer , real-time or batch execution , blackness of print image , redirection of printout to a computer file , creation of reference files to allow the same set of selected records to be used by another program , saving and naming selections for future use , local and remote printing , etc .
30 Discuss the different ways this could be done and give reasons for preferring one method of providing such an education .
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