Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [noun] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Spokespeople or representatives had constantly to justify their activities and statements to committees , which in turn would have to report back to steering groups and working parties elected by conferences and regional groups .
2 A full report will appear in the December Fly/Past , but some of the prize ‘ lots ’ were either withdrawn or bids came nowhere near their allotted reserves .
3 Royalty likes to go where royalty has already been , and in the second half of the last century Biarritz became the resort of monarchs from all over .
4 I had felt the lure of the unexplored , the compulsion to go where others had not been .
5 During the period of their operations on le Fleming ground , i.e. from 1758 to 1795 , those figures which have come to light suggest a total tonnnage of about 1,454 , but this would really be stuff dressed and ready for smelting — concentrate or hand picked best .
6 This technique retains the constant mean heat input but instead of measuring the temperature difference during a change a servo-system immediately increases the energy input to either sample or reference to maintain both at the same temperature .
7 Hodder & Stanchion carries on under the Attender brothers , Michel and Phalli .
8 The extract starts where Gilly has just received a postcard from her mother .
9 Because it transpired that Galileo had not mentioned the 1616 prohibition when applying for his license , Urban felt betrayed on several counts .
10 ‘ We are praying that Peter pulls through .
11 Denying that people learned in precisely the same way as pigeons , Cartier insisted that the reason why a programme taught better than typical traditional methods was usually because of the latter 's inadequately prepared design :
12 However , official statistics suggest that mobility has not recently been conspicuously higher in Japan than in other industrialized countries , especially since access to good education has too often depended on wealth and background .
13 But developments in Britain and the United States over the past two years suggest that micros need ultimately to cost little more than a tape recorder or a good transistor radio .
14 Interviews conducted by Toner several centuries later suggest that attitudes have not altogether changed .
15 Some studies suggest that hypnosis does not help people remember faces , car number plates or the like .
16 Our data would support this hypothesis but also suggest that bile does not act as a simple genotoxic carcinogen for , although the intragastric bile concentrations found after truncal vagotomy were higher than those found after highly selective vagotomy ( Fig 3 ) , there was no correlation between bile concentrations and DNA adduct levels ( Fig 4 ) .
17 But the report also says , ‘ Doctors are not prohibitionists ’ , and points out that ‘ … findings suggest that abstainers do not necessarily enjoy better health than moderate drinkers ’ .
18 Recent survey results suggest that cohabitees have more liberal views towards marriage and divorce than marrieds .
19 I suggest that Shakespeare reacted critically against the whole European tradition of the sonnet as a form of impotent adoration or frustrated lament by striking out , like Donne , towards fulfilment .
20 It is difficult to summarise them , but , broadly , both they and the Cumberbatch survey confirm the public support for televising , suggest that interest waned slightly as novelty wore off , indicate that on some matters there is growing understanding of Parliament , but make plain that many people still have a lot to learn about MPs and their work and roles .
21 1 Where do we first learn about Auntie 's excellent eye-sight ? 2 Where do we first learn that Auntie can see into the future ? 3 How do we know that Auntie did not see the fire at the office block where she used to work ? 4 What exactly did Auntie foresee on the last afternoon of her life ? 5 Why did Auntie save Billy 's life , even though she knew that she herself would die ?
22 It was better not to let him know that Chris woke regularly two or three times every night .
23 Did you know that NCT had so much to offer after the birth ( breastfeeding counselling , post natal support and a network of other mums ) before you got involved ?
24 Did you know that crops do n't grow so well next to pylons and power cables ?
25 Do you know that Birmingham have more cana has more canals than Venice ?
26 He did n't know that Customs had already been put on notice to clear them through .
27 The girls did not know that Tess cried even more at this , and that she decided she would tell Angel all her history .
28 In previous work , the investigator has developed a means to investigate children 's understanding of recursive beliefs in story characters , that is , whether they can understand that John does not know that Mary knows where the ice cream van is .
29 He did n't know that Reichmann had already rented out two of the four towers before he had signed the contract .
30 After all , the caller could n't rely on his not noticing that Edwin had n't come home last night until he did n't get his early tea brought to him .
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