Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] on the same " in BNC.

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1 Of the surviving children of William Charles and Anne , five were baptised together on the same day ( 10 July 1817 ) in their father 's original parish at the miniature City church of St Ethelburga , Bishopsgate .
2 All this means that Mr Ciampi can count only on the same thin majority that sustained his predecessor .
3 There used to be a place who , place opposite on the same side as the the White Horse that eh , was selling plants , but do n't like that naked fence at all .
4 So but er the overseas fellow , You know I 'll consider just on the same level , and ofte Well I never saw any er what you 'd call bickering and biding between the black and the white student .
5 A maid jumped and began to scream shrilly on the same note as her mistress .
6 This enables several users to work simultaneously on the same document by locking on to the section relevant to them , rather than accessing the entire thing .
7 I will want to come back on the same point that 's just been made , but if before I get to that there are some other points that I think I should make in explanation of the lead we have given , if I may call it that , in putting forward the distribution of the Greater York total .
8 Further expansion was carried out on the same basis , progressively moving through the model until more specific activities started to emerge , such as those that could be associated with component 8.7 , ie reduce costs :
9 A rather different example is newspapers , where typesetting , printing , and publishing are all commonly carried out on the same premises by one company .
10 The processing for the probabilistic syntactic analyser has been carried out on the same hardware that was used for the rule-based investigations ( i.e. a SUN Sparc 4/75 with 48 MBytes of memory ) .
11 Therefore , in order to minimise the risk of falsely rejecting an existing difference , p values less than 0.05 were considered as significant although multiple tests were carried out on the same data .
12 Age is unlikely to have influenced the findings or the conclusions of our study , because all the tests and comparisons were carried out on the same group of patients .
13 See how there are shells exploding almost on the same spot in that field over there . ’
14 The recent advances in technology have combined tablets and flat displays to bring input and output together on the same surface , known as electronic paper .
15 I could n't imagine what she expected to tell them if they all came back on the same day .
16 Under Resolution 45/226 , adopted unanimously on the same day , the Assembly also called for emergency relief for Sudan , noting " the continuing negative impact of persistent natural disasters and armed conflict " in the country .
17 I think I can claim that the whole last part is bound to make an impact on our musical public ; at least , if I compare it with what has been said recently on the same problem by Hanslick and others …
18 The number of mills that could work effectively on the same stream was limited , which led to smaller streams being used by means of building dams to create mill-ponds .
19 The judge 's decision was handed down on the same day that Exxon announced that first-quarter profits for 1991 had leapt 75% over the same period last year , to $2.24 billion .
20 It is easy to become disheartened if the dace fail to respond after an hour or so , but stick at it , keeping the feed going in on the same line .
21 The cost accounts will therefore be closed down on the same date .
22 The directors added that they had done so because ‘ this is the basis adopted in the accounts of the overseas subsidiaries ’ , and that the group accounts should be drawn up on the same basis in order to show a true and fair view .
23 The full-year result , announced coincidentally on the same day as its old foe Forte , which owns 69 p.c. of the ordinary shares , followed a first-half loss of £674,000 .
24 A good agency interviewer will look through it and pick up on the same gaps and discrepancies which will appear to the job interviewer but will not be looking with any one particular job in mind .
25 This man and my father had joined up on the same day , they went to the same school , played football together , both courted my mother and both fell in love with her — and she ended up marrying them both .
26 In challenging the idea of a natural separation of spheres , the nineteenth century feminist movement took up two major positions : first , that women wishing to enter the public sphere should be able to do so on the same terms as men , and second , that women 's domestic talents and virtues should be extended to the wider sphere beyond the home .
27 I recall that my right hon. Friend and I campaigned together on the same side in favour of a ’ yes ’ vote in the 1975 referendum on whether Britain should remain in the European Community .
28 I set up on the same spot as in the previous summer , but this time my luck was different .
29 Last year I set out on the same quest , but met with little success .
30 Reports said a SAM 727 had just touched down at El Dorado international airport when an Air France Boeing 747 came roaring over it and landed ahead on the same runway .
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