Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] you [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Ms K Brummitt from Birmingham is after a cheat for Dragon Ninja and wants to know how you get out of the factory in Robocop .
2 I am intrigued to know how you work out the speed on the roads and tracks and how you know when to trot and when to canter ?
3 If you do try out any of them let us know how you got on .
4 He says er an er a while after he said to he he said , Did you ever know how you got on here , at agency ?
5 Let me know how you get on . ’
6 Do let me know how you get on with her .
7 Well , in those 3 weeks I hope you er leap ahead in your er training , and er let us know how you get on .
8 Well we wish you the best of luck , and er well let us know how you get on when you get back .
9 ‘ Let me know how you get along . ’
10 ‘ And Monks will never know how you found out about him ? ’ she asked .
11 What a silly question of course it matters how you look up there , yes
12 They say when you go on to the Stock Market you should be worried because you can lose your strength .
13 do you know where you send in the thing to ?
14 So when you do n't know when you go back in then ?
15 ‘ Think about it and let us know when you get back — we wo n't pressure you , but I know you 'd have nothing to do but relax and be your wondrous self . ’
16 Still , I do n't know why you put up with it .
17 No , I I agree with that but I wondered if you had stopped because you introduced the topic and then when when this involuntary and unexpected answer came up you sat down and I thought you might have pursued your original questions .
18 Nan you 'll love why do n't you go back and watch your programme and have a sit down and we wo n't be two ticks eating these .
19 I was so stunned you 'd managed to pull off such a coup — but I should n't have been surprised , remembering how you built up the company from nothing . ’
20 ‘ Well , Rifleman Willoughby , the Board will watch how you get on with some interest … and we 'll interview you again in six months ’ time . ’
21 In a place like that it all depends how you get on with the screws : some lasses did take hell .
22 Do n't forget that we are not necessarily recommending any of the therapies mentioned but we would like to hear how you get on if you try any of them .
23 ‘ Now you 'll ride my horse and we 'll see how you get on .
24 Consider how you went about setting it up , and whether it was a trial or a delight , or a mixture of the two .
25 ‘ Honestly , Dunbar , I do n't see why you put up with her .
26 And to Léonie : never mind , you 'll see when you grow up , it 's fashionable to be thin .
27 but I 'm most disgruntled the way Geoffrey 's getting on , he 's not had a single parents evening this year , you know normally you go back to school , you have one September , October which is always too soon
28 He seemed to be awake for a long time , I think , you know like you wake up and you do n't know what to do with yourself , I think it was like that , so every quarter of an hour or so he kept me , shouting for a drink he did n't know quite what to do with himself
29 Remember how you found out about the affair in the first place ? ’ she said .
30 And when the difficulty gets going , gets hard you turn back , he says do n't do that .
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