Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] with [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Sticking on with a little royal icing or glue , wrap the strip carefully around the edge of the roof , scalloped edge upwards .
2 It seems that girls may be given fancier names because this fits in with a traditionally feminine image while the common masculine-sounding names for boy babies , like Richard , David , James and Alexander , would ostensibly give a boy fewer problems than Tarquin or Marmaduke .
3 This fits in with the traditionally tight control that local authority finance directors like to keep .
4 Mix well , then bind together with a little beaten egg .
5 I am going to vote against the motion , I 'm disappointed with the liberal group not come in with a more constructive amendment or even a proposal , as I would say asked you to do .
6 Rarer species of snowdrops are being indiscriminately harvested along with the more common ones .
7 The day progressed and temperatures and humidity rose along with the fiercely contested matches .
8 " [ The transfer in 1860 ] between the Goldsmiths ' Company and the Corporation was carried through with the most perfect agreement and accord . "
9 Despite the Second Test trouncing by New Zealand , Murphy says Ireland needed that match , ‘ We 'd have come home with a very mistaken picture of our true form if we 'd left after the first international ’ .
10 One way of putting this difference between the bounded nature of research and the comparatively unbounded nature of higher education is to say that , in research , the researcher starts off with a fairly hazy idea of what might emerge and ends with a precise formulation or conclusion , whereas in higher education , this is reversed .
11 The student starts off with a fairly definite hold on the world , built on reasonably stable concepts and ideas , but at the end of the course has grasped that very little of the intellectual world has enduring substance and that there are always more cognitive spectacles to put on .
12 He describes a ‘ good-enough mother ’ ( i.e. , a mother as good at being a mother as any of us can expect either to have or to be ) as someone who ‘ starts off with an almost complete adaptation to her infant 's needs , and as time proceeds she adapts less and less completely , gradually according to the infant 's growing ability to deal with her failure . ’
13 You can tell that you have not been fobbed off with the more mature product by the size of the cuts and the pallor of the flesh .
14 All the originals are locked to prevent accident but the elements can be ungrouped and manipulated to create new designs or , given a colour system , you can try adjusting the colours of the elements and backgrounds — often ending up with an entirely new feel .
15 The most welcome caller is not the one who rings up with a carefully arranged bouquet of words delivered ‘ at the double ’ ; it is the one who calls to enquire , to listen , and to sympathise when necessary , leaving the elderly person feeling warmed and cared for .
16 Mark Linton , formerly a professor at Stanford University , now principal researcher at Silicon Graphics Inc , has come up with a completely new toolkit that can be applied to X-Windows .
17 In Italy , everything for years now has been political , even art , but just as most of Italian life is kicking against the ever looser traces of the big political parties , the Biennale has come up with a wholly unreconstructed , wholly political , Board of Management , approved under pressure from the Christian Democrats by the Prime Minister Giuliano Amato on 15 January .
18 So it has proved , with that alert enthusiast Ashdown turning to the eminently qualified Anthony Lester , QC , who has come up with a rather different interpretation of events to that brought forward by the Law Officers .
19 And finally tonight Moseley rugby club have come up with a very different approach to pre-season training , I have to tell you it is not what you 'd expect from the lads from the Readings .
20 Lennie ( 1980 ) has come up with a more challenging suggestion .
21 No detergent is wasted either because Siemens has come up with a specially designed Ecovalve .
22 Recognising the problem , district councillors have come up with a much needed cash injection to ease the crisis .
23 We like your cleverness Has he given it more thought , he 's just come up with a really clever idea I think there
24 Vivid Publishing in Los Altos , California , makers of the TypeView font utility for Next , has come up with an environmentally aware software packaging scheme it 's calling EarthPack and challenging other software vendors to do the same : it 's making the specifications available to any who inquire and will license the EarthPack name free of charge .
25 ‘ That is , of course , ’ he said , sitting up again suddenly , ‘ unless Father has come up with an entirely new factor he wants me to think about . ’
26 Once again , tax planning objectives need to be recognised and worked on during the negotiation to come up with a mutually acceptable deal .
27 Ray Angel and Brian Hodgson were entrusted to come up with a suitably electronic-sounding voice .
28 Now if you 're a majority party you can instruct officers to come up with a specially paid reduction pol you pay for the policy , so you can then structure the system or look at the service and come up with a reduction , come up with an expansion
29 The partnership struck three times within a fortnight last July , winding up with a particularly game effort to deny in-form Pickles by a length in a competitive seven furlong handicap at Ayr .
30 The German Siemens was in a stronger position in several ways ; in addition to its computer and telecommunications equipment strengths , Siemens in the late 1980S was attempting to catch up with the vertically integrated Japanese electronics companies ; it was making a major chip effort , with use by the German car industry especially in mind .
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