Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] for so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I am amazed that this practice has been allowed to go on for so long without anyone kicking up a fuss . ’
2 The surpising thing is not that this is happening now , but rather that it was staved off for so long .
3 We 've all been trucking along for so long on the back of the post-war consensus ( more growth , more production , more consumption , more jobs , more energy , more roads , more hospitals , more rubbish , etc ) , that most people are understandably reluctant to get off the treadmill — even though they can see it 's falling to pieces .
4 Cut off for so long from most western visitors , the wonderful and varied scenery and marvellous historic cities will surely make this country one of the most popular tourist destinations of all .
5 Professional counselling is the best way forward for you because your feelings have been bottled up for so long .
6 Eyes turned to boarded up windows and rubbish strewn in gardens and the depressing picture moved the prince to say : ‘ This is why I have been going on for so long about architecture in the environment . ’
7 To fill the vacant position , Sir Henry , still nursing ambitions for the club he had guided and invested in for so long , wanted no one else but the outstandingly successful manager of Huddersfield Town .
8 Perhaps we should not be surprised that Parliament is closing down for so long .
9 And then borrow it again on a Friday or a Saturday and this went on for so long er he 'd eventually Tom said , by the way Jack , he said , whose pound note , whose pound is this ?
10 ‘ I can not say what he actually said because it was so bad , and it went on for so long .
11 And if I 'm a wicked , evil news reporter , I 'm going to leave out all the nice , positive things that you said , because you went on for so long I 'm interviewing you at half past twelve for the one o'clock news .
12 This terrible matter has brought shame on Leicestershire , and we expect to get to the heart of how it could have gone on for so long , while apparently nobody did anything about it .
13 Helen Lockwood , director of Teesside Society for the Blind , said : ‘ Nothing seems to be happening and this has gone on for so long now .
14 This one has gone on for so much longer — two years so far with no sign of it coming to an end . ’
15 Trent had wanted out for so long — out of the secrecy and isolation .
16 Given their weakened state , the Dutch had done well to hold out for so long .
17 More surprising , to me , about the present sorry situation , is how the old regimes managed to get away for so long with presiding over such a ragbag and still getting all that advertising !
18 The British people are fighting back against the shoddy treatment with which we have put up for so long .
19 It was the same kind as he had once been kept in for so long .
20 Letting Baptiste in where the two of them had reigned together for so long .
21 Spring had really arrived now and it seemed very exciting to Colin , who had lived indoors for so long .
22 These were small details now , swallowed up in the joy of knowing that she was loved by the man she had loved silently for so long .
23 The convention which it produced was signed by 119 delegations but the problems which caused the conference to drag on for so long are anything but solved .
24 As she stared at him , she knew it had come , the moment of physical and emotional confrontation she had held off for so long , and she felt so vulnerable that she could barely breathe .
25 Robyn 's voice quivered and she could feel the tears , held back for so long , welling up inside .
26 ‘ I do n't know why I held out for so long . ’
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