Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 l he vehicles entered the western end of this northern bay , and the coach body was lifted off its bogies and placed on moving carriers , the wheels removed from the bogies , the bogies then also placed on carriers parallel with its body and moved alongside it through the shop at the same pace , that of one vehicle every forty minutes .
2 Regardless of the general press of humanity , a funeral procession was attempting to pass down it from the other end .
3 And er , when I went to me I found out it in the post It was in the post , that I was picked .
4 Alice put the telephone down carefully , and looked at herself in the small , oval mirror hanging above it on the wall .
5 see better , you was looking up it on the front rows you see .
6 He eyed the sword-point warily before peering past it to the body on the floor .
7 Or does he refuse to go near it for the rest of the session and become unsettled ?
8 I walked down it from the top to bottom and could only marvel at the way it had been constructed .
9 In the village he had noticed an old crumbling building with the word ‘ SCHOOL ’ outside it , and he had seen children a little younger than himself disappear inside it in the mornings then reappear sometime in the afternoon .
10 The receptionist at the hotel had given him a key to the front door and his mind was a chaotic mixture of emotions and thoughts as he walked past it towards the shore .
11 But you will achieve success only if you set about it in the right way .
12 However , if you set about it in the right way it can be an easy road , a pleasant country ramble rather than an attempt to scale Everest .
13 We should n't be bashed for putting it into a sale ; we help to bring it to a resolution by bringing out it into the open ’ .
14 It 's such a wonderful thing and gives out such heat that I spend quite a lot of my time sitting alongside it in the kitchen .
15 With a horrible gurgle , the man toppled backwards to lay across the trunk of the car , finally slithering down it into the gutter .
16 I knew the first time was seldom ideal and I wanted to get past it to the second and third times , and all the times after that , when our love could go forward and mature and develop .
17 It was all sorted out after some confusion and a lot of ill-feeling ; the BMW people moved their boat forward so cars and trailers could get past it to the road .
18 He murmured his agreement and watched her walk across to the bridlepath and start up it towards the dome-shaped summit .
19 a derivative of it , which gave you the same high that ecstasy does and er , and if you did n't it from the doctor you could buy it on the street .
20 That 's what all boils down to does n't it at the end of the day and you have n't succeeded as far as I can see in convincing people , those three thousand signatories , that erm it 's not going to affect their lives and the quality of their lives and their their environment adversely .
21 The brown teapot with a slightly broken spout sat like a cold little sentinel on the hob , jackdaws rustled above it in the chimney .
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