Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] in [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The roof goes on in a few tumultuous hours .
2 Where we might have expected him to grant her the respect of verse , he goes on in the same business-like prose : ‘ How now , Kate ?
3 When it comes to her imagined transcriptions of Jip 's diary , she goes on in the same descriptive vein for a paragraph , then stops herself with an abrupt exclamation of ‘ No , he would n't say all that ’ ( 54 ) , whereupon she starts again in more concise fashion .
4 School students will stay on in the few settlements that will be left and in schools in Cuba , West Africa and other countries .
5 So I started to write a variation on the first bar and told her to go on in the same way and to keep to the idea .
6 Ordinarily , learning allows us to go on in the same way , to repeat what has been learned , whether it is a matter of fact ( that London is the capital of England ) or an action ( driving a car in familiar circumstances ) .
7 However , they all sit together in the same circular chamber which has various doors marked ‘ Clergy Ayes ’ or ‘ Laity Noes ’ through which the members of the Synod troop to vote in the way MPs trudge through their voting lobbies .
8 They lay together in the same blue-white room , though this time their lovemaking had been gentler and more familiar , as warmth and exploration of each other 's bodies and hearts had succeeded the glorious frenzy of their first coupling .
9 Thus the thickest potential net pay can be expected to be developed only in the latter situation ( see Figs. 25 and 26 ) .
10 At Mandru , the Lady Nehushtah , Mandru 's exotic Ixibatabian wife , had male as well as female attendants , and all the Ixmaritians lived together in the same building , regardless of their gender .
11 I am sure that my hon. Friend is right , in that it makes sense to believe that if young people from both sides of the community are taught together in the same classrooms , they will value equally both traditions and will be more likely than some others to find common ground in later life .
12 Fast on its heels came MacPublisher and Ready-Set-Go but somehow neither caught on in the same way .
13 The chances of the Government being defeated when amendment 27 is voted on in a few weeks are now difficult to judge .
14 These issues I touch on in the latter part of the chapter .
15 He said he just carried on in the same direction .
16 They were originally thought to have been two closely related species occurring together in the same rocks , but these ‘ pairs ’ were so consistently found together that it became more and more probable that they were sexual forms of the same species .
17 Playing at an altitude of over 5,000 feet and in humid conditions , Canada introduced only two new caps , B.C. no.8 Colin McKenzie and Scott MacKinnon , the Ontario wing who joined flanker Gord to give Canada its first instance of brothers appearing together in the same international side .
18 At the Council in the Marches of Wales the offices of Secretary , Clerk to the Council , and Clerk of the Signet all came to be grouped together in the same hands .
19 Ask him to write down in a few words what he thinks his present image is , and what he wants his image to be , and he will most likely fail to do it .
20 ‘ But to suggest that coincidentally this recording , made just a fortnight earlier , was also picked up in the same way does stretch one 's credibility . ’
21 It is bad enough having the sufferer saying one thing but really meaning another without the counsellor getting caught up in the same macabre " game " .
22 If it can be weathered without undue damage , interest rates should fall sharply in the latter half of next year .
23 So all them hassles what you 're gon na get in the future when they they 're gon na fall out in a few years time .
24 Press seam allowance to the wrong side on the lining and notch out in the same way .
25 Well , we had a talk and she invited me to come back in a few days ' time .
26 They went away thanking her for her help , and promised to come back in a few weeks ' time when Bruno 's booster injection was due .
27 So , we can think of different modules from Dennett 's flow-chart as being stored and functioning in the same place in the machine , just as we can think of different levels of translation of programming language as being carried out in the same place in the machine .
28 New tasks for perception can only be carried out in the same way ‘ under the guidance of tactile appropriation ’ ( ibid : 242 ) .
29 Some business decisions can be carried out in the same way .
30 Also , enforcement is carried out in the same way by the weights and measures authorities , sections 27–33 .
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