Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] in [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is in each individual 's interest to defend its place in the ‘ peck order ’ vigorously , as well as to challenge those higher up — hence the almost continual challenging that goes on in goat society .
2 What goes on in Summer Bay
3 Presently much of its grant will be directed to the MLTB as the country 's major influence in what goes on in mountain training , for a sizeable portion of the BMC 's grant income is awarded because of its past role in training young climbers and mountaineers .
4 Clad only in garter belt and nylons , she was confident of her sexual attractiveness .
5 TSMChange , which helps monitor and implement structural changes should be available by Christmas ; TSMChange , a graphics tool for visually representing structures and their components is planned for March 1993 ; and TSMLevel , which warns when the targets and constraints laid down in service level agreements are threatened should also be available by March .
6 The various operators are listed below in priority order .
7 In this way , the paper contributes to the illuminating play of colour and light found only in watercolour painting .
8 Dexter 's interest lies not in gang warfare , but in the character of Peter Flood .
9 The complexity of [ 8 ] lies not in clause structure , but in noun phrase structure ( in this case it is the noun phrases that are italicised ) .
10 The Elizabethan poor law acts of 1598 and 1601 threatened beggars with a whipping and placed the responsibility for maintaining the poor on ‘ the Churchwardens of every parish and four substantial householders there … who shall be nominated yearly in Easter week under the hand and seal of two or more Justices of the Peace … [ and who ] shall be called overseers of the poor ’ .
11 She starts off in chicken stuffer 's uniform as seen in Letter To Brezhnev and ends up in designer punk bondage dress and boxing boots .
12 Man 's legs torn off in car smash
13 Frozen solid in winter , they warm quickly in spring sunshine and may reach temperatures of 15–16°C by high summer , but are the first to slow down and freeze in autumn .
14 ‘ Someone told us she 'd got hold of the name of some MP who 's mixed up in child porn .
15 Was he mixed up in cocaine smuggling ?
16 They are present in house dust ; they stick to clothing , carpets , towels and bedlinen ; they can also be picked up in garden soil , on unwashed vegetables and salads , or from contact with someone who already has worms .
17 South Korea , China , Taiwan and Yemen have been identified as countries trading illegally in rhinoceros horn by the standing committee of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of World Fauna and Flora ( CITES ) .
18 Some of those caught up in investment bond income schemes ( see Information Circular , June 1991 ) have the right to go to FIMBRA 's Consumer Arbitration Scheme , where any award against the broker is legally binding .
19 Needing no alibis , however , though it comes close to an exploitation concept , is the hard-driving Australian movie Shame ( Vestron ) , with a dynamic central performance by Deborra-Lee Furness as the city woman caught up in Outback violence .
20 The muscles of your larynx , taut with anxiety , cause the sweet nothings to come out in semi-castrato squeak .
21 The main question which was posed was whether semantic ( and pragmatic ) constraints could affect the amount of syntactic processing which was carried out in sentence comprehension .
22 Caution ! heat and fumes and evolved , so best carried out in fume cupboard .
23 Secondly , since alternative methods of endometrial samples are as accurate as dilatation and curettage , and acceptable to most patients , it seems reasonable to suggest that with appropriate guidelines , training , and support of the family health services authority , general practitioners could perform some of the procedures otherwise carried out in gynaecology outpatient services or the operating theatre .
24 Again a mock Mayor would be chosen , ‘ generally some half witted or drunken fellow who , tricked out in tinsel finery , ’ promenaded through the village in his chariot — ’ some jowster 's huckster 's cart dressed with green boughs ’ .
25 In summer these are carried inland in sea spray ; in winter impregnated snow from the sea ice deposits them on coastal rocks and snowdrifts .
26 But it will soon be considered again in defence budget talks , a French government official told New Scientist .
27 Flashman , who made his fortune touting tickets , insisted yesterday that he was acting only in self defence when he struck out at three photographers , including TODAY 'S Chris Turvey .
28 These were first written down in draft form , then refined on input to the database .
29 In this exhaustive treatment he makes some helpful distinctions between the Kingdom and the Church which are presented below in summary form :
30 Saudi Arabia threatens unilateral increase in oil production unless OPEC convenes soon in emergency session .
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