Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] in a long " in BNC.

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1 That would be a mistake : this is one of the most satisfying and interesting CDs I have come across in a long while .
2 Sandra Peden , her that works in the Co-operative she 's a Gold Medallist in Elocution you know , well wait till I tell you she came on in a long Laura Ashley nightdress carrying a Wee Willie Winkie candlestick with wee pink bedsocks and a matching pompom hat and did Holy Willie 's Prayer .
3 The debt was written off in a long , slow reckoning of my own , though by the time I reached my mid-teens I already had a certainty of the future waiting — a void to be filled as I chose , with nothing predetermined .
4 The possible phonemic function of each allophonic description found by HWIM 's Acoustic Phonetic Recognizer was scored by looking up in a long term confusion matrix the vector of 71 phoneme labels that could be associated with the segment 's feature description .
5 She remembered waking up in a long room filled with covered beds ; knocking a uniformed man to the ground ; taking his gun and running .
6 Then he was hauling back on the control column and edging in on Woolley as the flight hurtled up in a long recovery from its dive .
7 Then she started going on about her new red tap-shoes , and how the music nun wanted to teach her violin because she had such good pitch , and we all joined up in a long line , each with a hand stretched out on to the should of the one in front , and we began to march round her , chanting very softly , " How green you are , how green you are , how green you are , how green … " and then louder and louder as we danced away from her still in our long Indian file , till we got right to the top of our street where we played another game altogether , totally ignoring the yells of fury from the lamp-post , and when our mums called us in to tea we all ran in and forgot about her .
8 She seemed , to Tammuz , quite agitated , pacing up and down behind her desk , swishing around in a long , belted gown .
9 The magazine in her hand plumed upwards in a long flame , belching smoke .
10 After 1772 the " turnpike mania " settled down in a long steady progress to an eventual 22,000-mile peak in 1836 , accelerated only in the widespread speculative investment booms of the early 1790s , 1809 – 12 and the mid 1820s .
11 The sense of great loyalty is apparent , and the waste of life as if the knights dying ‘ man by man ’ are dominoes being knocked over in a long line .
12 Not only did it fail to achieve representation ( not surprising at under 1 per cent of the vote ) but it has since fallen apart in a long series of internecine conflicts ( which are too complex to describe here ) .
13 Mum kept out of sight until he had left , then down the stairs she came , all dressed up in a long black taffeta dress , which rustled when she moved .
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