Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] the [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All that would reinforce the particular policy to which my hon. Friend referred and would damage tremendously the prospects of the British people and destroy countless jobs .
2 To ‘ love the motherland ’ was to embrace wholeheartedly the doctrines of the leadership , even if they were slightly contradictory .
3 In such fields a double need arises : to harmonise licensing requirements for companies intending to carry on the activities in question , and to establish essential standards for the prudential supervision of companies providing financial services .
4 Protesters have vowed to carry on the demonstrations despite the fact the tour has been given tacit approval by the African National Congress .
5 parents should always arrange if possible for their children to see old people of marked interest in their lives , so as to carry on the links of tradition …
6 The problem involves rather the ways in which Hegel has been read , absorbed and adapted .
7 Squeeze your fist … study the feelings of tension this creates … learn what it is like now to have this experience of tension in the fist … [ after approximately five seconds ] … and now relax … let go of all the tension just allow your fingers to fall with gravity … you may experience a slight tingling effect as the muscles relax … feel the fingers and hand becoming heavier and heavier … feeling as though someone has just placed a glove made of lead on your hand … causing the whole hand to feel heavy , heavy as lead … the muscles sinking down dead weight hanging on the bones of the hand …
8 Hanging on the hours like heliotropes
9 Beautiful women , dressed in anything from the flamboyantly obvious to the understatedly elegant , weaved in and out of the crowds , some of them hanging on the arms of men old enough to be their grandfathers .
10 She sees her wig and familiar clothing , dry now , still hanging on the backs of chairs to one side of a dead fire .
11 Bring on the men in white coats !
12 But for the interested amateur the travel companies offer trips which include opportunities to follow the grey whales of the San Ignacio Lagoon , view tigers in India , search for orchids and birds of paradise in Papua New Guinea , or track down the gorillas in the Mountains of the Moon .
13 Then I took some smaller bombs and planted them inside some of the rabbit holes , stamping down the roofs of the tunnel entrances so that they caved in and left only the straw fuses sticking out .
14 Apply cuticle remover all round the nail and gently push down the cuticles with a rubber-tipped hoof stick , a cotton bud , or cotton wool wrapped round an orange stick .
15 ‘ Even bringing down the charges to £4 means the council will be incurring a £40,000 loss .
16 They are strays , having been carried here by the glacier that once occupied Crummackdale as it retreated at the end of the Ice Age , scouring the ground as it departed and bringing down the boulders from their place of origin higher in the valley .
17 Now I promise to devote myself to bringing down the costs of your mortgages because I believe that people should be able to own their own homes and to own them cheaply . ’
18 By the late 1980s , Ceauşescu 's suspicions and caprices had whittled down the numbers of his long-term favourites .
19 AIDS patients are being given a new vaccine which could slow down the effects of the disease .
20 Away from her mother and father and sister and grandmother was bad enough , but the worst thing for Belle was opening her eyes and seeing only the walls around her .
21 Glowing out at night — by bike with luminous tyres which allow more safety when speeding down the roads at night .
22 For a wood glue-to be effective it has to penetrate down the tubes for some distance so as to get hold of the undamaged wood .
23 With the final umbrella of the Charter , which theoretically laid down the principles of the paper and what it stood for , the last bricks were put into the edifice .
24 Bills seeking to exclude various categories of placemen from Parliament were introduced on average once every session between 1692 and 1714 , and a general measure banning all placemen from the Commons found its way into the Act of Settlement of 1701 ( which laid down the conditions on which the Hanoverians would succeed to the throne ) , although this provision was subsequently modified before the Act came into effect .
25 But Lombroso laid down the foundations of most of what was to follow in genetic theories of crime .
26 Similarly , the Act of Six Articles of 1539 laid down the penalties for disobedience to the prescribed articles of faith , and left it to him as supreme head to pronounce upon their doctrinal content .
27 The Bank also laid down the requirements for its own operations in the market :
28 Lord Diplock laid down the essentials for a passing-off action : 1 ) a misrepresentation 2 ) made by a trader in the course of trade 3 ) to prospective customers of his or ultimate consumers of goods or services supplied by him 4 ) which is calculated to injure the business or goodwill of another trader and 5 ) which causes actual damage to a business or goodwill of the trader by whom the action is brought .
29 A Hungarian-French treaty of friendship and concord signed on Sept. 11 laid down the terms of co-operation between the two countries on minority issues and on Hungary 's desire for full membership of the European Communities ( EC ) .
30 It has more than fulfilled its founding fathers ' two objectives : to rebuild the economy of a shattered Europe , and to bury the hatchet between France and Germany and so bind together the nations of Europe that they would never go to war again .
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