Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] so [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 This means that history can be theorized not so much as a contradictory process but as a concept that must enact its own contradiction with itself : ‘ this difference is what is called History ’ .
2 He gave in that connection some instances from The Rock , which he described not so much as a play as a revue , a word he pronounced in the French manner .
3 It looks not so much as if women are passively being forced into the arts and rejecting science , but that they are making very clear choices .
4 These minerals are relatively insoluble and act not so much as direct plant foods , but put the soil in a state that favours the buildup and activity of soil life .
5 But there are places where the residents are seen not so much as customers but as ‘ them ’ .
6 Unlike their counterparts in the longue durée , they were seen not so much as steady constraints with which societies had to contend over long periods , but as patterns of change which were themselves part and parcel of social life .
7 The new Association is best seen not so much as a pressure group founded to further the professional interests of teachers of English , but rather as a class-based mobilization which drew in not only most professors of English Language and Literature , but also like-minded politicians , administrators , and " men of letters " .
8 Nothing had ever felt quite so right as finding herself in Nevil 's arms and being kissed by him .
9 As they parted , she pursed her lips and lifted her well-attended face , which did n't look quite so young as it had in the restaurant .
10 ‘ — and I was placed between Harry Burrows and Piers Langley and they told me all about hunting round here and really it was so interesting that I hardly noticed what we ate , some sort of fish and pheasant I think and , oh yes , there was an ice but by that stage , you know , I did n't have the smallest corner to put in so much as a mouthful — ’
11 They saw universal , or manhood , suffrage not so much as an end in itself as the key which would unlock the door to radical or even revolutionary social and economic change .
12 In this context , regulations were , in the main , perceived not so much as serving the public interest but as representing ‘ capture ’ of the economic system by specific groups serving their own self-interest , reducing economic welfare and inhibiting economic development .
13 Now it is sometimes argued that the Reform Bill was deliberately framed so as to preclude the threat of a revolution founded on such an alignment , one in which a middle-class bourgeoisie would have provided the leadership and the lower classes the sheer mass , the numbers needed to carry it out ; and shrewdly calculated to concede just so much as was needed to reduce to a manageable scale the gathering political unrest which might have led to just such a convulsion .
14 The affair started not so much as a head-first plunge as a mesmerised topple .
15 It says a great deal for this extraordinary organisation that it can inspire such dedication in children who , prior to joining the Horse Rangers , would never have even so much as patted a horse .
16 The shield may not have proved quite so strong as they had expected , and in more recent times it has been supported by offensive weapons , such as inspections or investigations instigated by the Department of Trade and Industry .
17 Much better to get involved with someone who had plunged fully into the sea of life than with someone who had stood wimpishly on the edge , afraid to dip in so much as a toe .
18 It is above all the body , enveloped in sound , in dance , that stands at the cross-roads of popular music and leisure time ; here the word ‘ Love ’ that is omnipresent in the pop lexicon reads not so much as a romantic cliche but as a coded entry into the world of the private , into the world of pleasure and self-discovery .
19 But his evidence does not read to his discredit nearly so much as to the discredit of the committee .
20 They did not so much as consider that their physical safety could be at risk .
21 Aunt Sarah did not so much as lift her head from the rug she was making , but Ruth watched the way the rug hook stabbed the canvas with increased speed and vigour , as if she wanted to hurt it , and Ruth knew that her aunt was as tense as she was herself .
22 I did not so much as flick a duster around the papers .
23 All I can say about that is that it must have been awfully feeble acid to make your visions come out so pedestrian as this .
24 As she bustled about the mess , he did n't so much as look at her , which meant she would have to comer him to talk to him .
25 Do n't so much as breathe on her , ’ Leo warned coldly as he descended the stairs behind them .
26 So I guess morally it did not seem quite so bad as might be inferred by the definition of the activity itself . ’
27 ‘ One faces a decision , I guess , at such times , about how far to go with company instructions , and since the spirit of such meetings only appeared to be correcting a horrible price level situation , that there was not an attempt to damage customers , charge excessive prices , there was no personal gain in it for me , the company did not seem actually to be defrauding … morally it did not seem quite so bad as might be inferred by the definition of the activity itself . ’
28 I think this motion is addressing the problem of Cambridge city and that the people that we feel we should be erm affiliating in so much as they need the housing .
29 Having seen taxis north of Adrar , and then a couple of days ago , a convoy which had not so much as a compass , I had begun to think the desert not so terrible after all .
30 Many now happily experienced that Christian fellowship of which they had not so much as an idea before .
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