Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] at a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In other words you can have what goes on in the brain at the hardware level does or at the level of nuance does n't necessarily have to correlate with what goes on at a high level description .
2 Later on in the profession itself the process goes on at a different level .
3 The bridal couple got down at a tiny village of low mud houses .
4 So I got on the Greyhound Bus for a six-hour ride to Washington and checked in at a cheap hotel opposite the bus depot .
5 ‘ Our Association was formed in November 1981 when a group of concerned people got together at a public meeting in Llandrindod Wells .
6 None of that small band of men who sat round smoking and drinking their beer or whisky could have had any idea , as they heard Jack vigorously defending the doctrine of hell in nine pages , that the publication of these religious speculations , pieced together at a busy time between giving lectures and examining , was to change his destiny forever .
7 The farmer and I went over and gazed down at a circular black object about half an inch across floating on the surface of the milk .
8 That was the trouble with harbour-watching , there were so many inexplicable activities carried on at a stately pace and with the deliberation of a choreographed performance .
9 The system of planning controls imposes limits on their freedom to locate operations where they will or to increase the scale , or change the nature , of the activities carried on at a particular site .
10 She recalled that as a young girl she 'd often sucked slowly at a big lollipop to see how long she could make it last .
11 Everyone dined together at a plain wooden table more suited to the kitchen or servants ' quarters than the guests ' dining room , and the fare was similarly lacking in charm .
12 Daughter Laura weighed in at a healthy 61b 4oz .
13 We were appearing together at a literary lunch in Cleethorpes — he was promoting the latest edition of his diaries — and someone was playing the organ whilst we were eating .
14 The windows of the car were open and they hummed along at a steady cruising speed meeting very little traffic .
15 The steel tracks ground along at a steady rate , flattening glorious highly-finned autos , scattering pedestrians and levelling lampposts .
16 His marriage seemed like the Atlantic Ocean to her , something vast and unknowable which she could not attempt to bridge but only fly over at a terrible speed .
17 Then it moved away at a brisk trot , the small and incredibly ugly imp that was perching on its lid watching the scenery with interest .
18 As Bull watched , an elderly man with his glasses hanging from one ear bent backwards at a strange angle , as if he was made of rubber , and slid off his seat .
19 PENSIONERS protesting outside Manchester 's town hall where about 3,000 rallied yesterday at a Grey Power conference .
20 PENSIONERS protesting outside Manchester 's town hall where about 3,000 rallied yesterday at a Grey Power conference .
21 Caroline and the rest of the group , who were raising funds for the BBC 's annual children in Need appeal , stopped off at a Turkish restaurant during their tour of four restaurants in Aberdeen .
22 Finally , worn out by her own thoughts and the strain of the last few hours , she drew up at a small country hotel and took a room there for the night .
23 A few minutes later we drew up at a big concrete building which the officer told me was the town jail but which seemed to be a large Luftwaffe barracks .
24 Sit on a stool and massage one foot at a time by placing it on your thigh , knee bent up at a right angle .
25 The base was picked up at a second-hand store , and the crimson cotton shade came from Habitat .
26 I myself found at the entrance of one of them a small neatly-worked tomahawk , of an inch and a half in length , together with some slips of blue cotton rags , which the birds had doubtless picked up at a deserted encampment of the natives . ’
27 Judith Grossman 's novel , Her Own Terms , published in 1988 , looks back at a working-class scholarship-girl in the 1950s , who goes to Oxford from a South London Grammar school ; Grossman shows in passing how formidably well-read and linguistically equipped her heroine was .
28 Most guitarists have heard of the ‘ waxing ’ method of eliminating feedback , but unfortunately this is a difficult process to carry out at home as it involves dipping the whole pickup assembly into hot paraffin wax , which has to be carried out at a controlled temperature : too hot and the bobbins melt , too cold and the wax does n't penetrate the coil windings .
29 For these , training was a regular event and in one case was carried out at a separate meeting every alternate month .
30 If a member can not carry out work for which a deposit has been paid , the fund will either ensure the work is carried out at a fair price less the deposit or refund the deposit .
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