Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 They pay thousands and thousands for the Van Goghs and Modiglianis they 'd have spat on at the time they were painted .
2 It is understood that the companies set out in Schedule 2 , are , other than ABC GmbH and ABC Corp , wholly owned subsidiaries of ABC and will remain so at the time of the acquisition of ABC .
3 I suppose it was good for us , but we did n't think so at the time .
4 I mean , I did n't think so at the time but when I think of it you know , and later when I came back after the war we , oh my God !
5 The chart needs to be filled in at the time the child eats as retrospective memory is unreliable .
6 It should be no more and no less than the business carried on at the time of completion .
7 I had a kind of ear infection which caused giddiness and I had to come out of the West End play I was appearing in at the time , The Rose Tattoo .
8 In Lucien 's family , they had only come together at the times appointed by the Church : meals , various holidays , family councils and those mysterious , Church-nominated occasions when children were conceived .
9 ‘ Where a mercantile agent is , with the consent of the owner , in possession of goods or of the documents of title to goods , any sale , pledge or other disposition of the goods , made by him when acting in the ordinary course of business of a mercantile agent , shall , subject to the provisions of this Act be as valid as if he were expressly authorised by the owner of the goods to make the same ; provided that the person taking under the disposition takes in good faith , and has not at the time of the disposition notice that the person making the disposition has not authority to make the same . ’
10 It 's known as the Vadinamian Valve , and it 's big enough for only one ship to pass through at a time .
11 It remains a subject of some curiosity that this apparently exceptional event occurred just at the time that the Greenpeace boat was moored offshore .
12 Mr Rikanovic almost certainly knew nothing about Swiss law , by which anyone holding an item publicly for three years without judgment against him acquires title , but it is interesting that the visit occurred just at the time when Lord Northampton sought to have the ownership dispute heard by the Swiss courts .
13 They dismiss US claims that the war is ‘ going to plan ’ , noting only that the multi-national force is four weeks into a war which shows no likelihood of ending soon at the time of writing .
14 However , as the need for this particular type of system was not believed to be acute , it was not pursued further at the time .
15 It will be intriguing to see how Brecht 's play stands up at a time when Communism is loosening its ideological hold .
16 ‘ It may be best for us ’ , McFarlane reported back at the time , ‘ to try to picture what it would be like if after nuclear attack , a surviving Tartar became Vice-President ; a recent grad student became Secretary of State ; and a bookie became the interlocutor for all discourse with foreign countries . ’
17 Where a problem seems obviously more complex they suggest that the client makes an appointment with an adviser to come back at a time when the bureau is officially closed to the public .
18 But the study was carried out at a time of economic expansion and three out of four of the firms had experienced growth in the year prior to the study .
19 Official attempts in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to reform and strengthen the police duties of headmen were carried out at a time when the overall influence of headmen was on the wane .
20 In the latter case , the higher-level program is translated as a whole into a lower-level program as a whole , and that process is carried out at a time before and separate from the time when the ( compiled ) program runs .
21 His kidnapping was carried out at a time of great international tension , occurring only two days after US aircraft had conducted bombing raids on targets in Libya .
22 The June poster campaign was described as a ‘ xuechao ’ , student movement , in one analysis carried out at the time , although there were no demonstrations .
23 I was toddling around at the time getting into mischief the way any normal , healthy three-year-old boy does .
24 For some unexplained reason you were still lurking about at a time when , normally , you would long since have gone home . ’
25 Lucky because Ken Backhouse was walking by at the time .
26 Since there is such a difference between the two documents , and since the Dunrossness District Plan was designed for immediate public consumption ( the Structurn Plan had not been disseminated widely at the time of our research , June , 1978 — January , 1979 ) one could suggest that the tenor of the document reflects the desire to underplay any potential conflicts between Shetlanders and incomers .
27 He remembered falling , and the deck coming up to hit him , which brought back the sensation — although it had n't done so at the time — of the moment just before the torpedo hit Lanark .
28 Entitled Swizzlewick , it ‘ starred ’ a Mrs Smallgood , a Councillor Salt — the chairman of the NVALA committee was a Birmingham councillor by the name of Pepper — and Ernest the postman , Ernest being the name of Mr Whitehouse and ‘ Postman 's Piece ’ the name of the house they were living in at the time .
29 Bedfield was the village I was living in at the time .
30 One difficulty with testing recognition memory is that inferences might be made only at the time of the recognition test .
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