Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] i just [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Neil Cusforth , who 's in the haulage business in Yorkshire , chose the 1.6 Primera and is delighted with it : ‘ As soon as I got in I just felt right in it : it 's so light and easy to use . ’
2 ‘ I thought my game was going to disappear so I just concentrated on getting solid pars and dropped only one more shot , ’ he said .
3 and erm whatever you may need a stock and that and put sliced potatoes in it and some carrots and then on the top I 've put sliced potatoes and left them on top of the casserole , well later on when I came home I just took the lid off and stuck in the top of the oven instead
4 she says like er she says you know Jean she says well I just sat there and she says I 'm away and I went over she says because it was her
5 But the most important thing I thought was the thought process I mean just just saying this while you were just going on I just jotted down in the same way you could come off with three ideas that around and I felt that was that was ideal .
6 " Going in I just planned to observe , " Waggoner explains , " to experience as much as I could and to watch closely . "
7 Mrs Murchie added : ’ I did not know what to do so I just kept talking to her until the ambulance arrived .
8 ah , but when the kids went home I just had ha I had a sandwich .
9 ‘ When I fell off I just kept thinking this is it , this is it .
10 Did n't I said , did n't I just said , I I just said get off my bum .
11 I honestly did n't I just brought it up .
12 I mean all I I did n't I just did exactly what I was told .
13 And when he passed me , I think Charlie feels guilty cos when he passed me he said alright I just did n't say anything .
14 and as we 're right up towards the end and now after the bank holiday we 've had lovely fine weather anyway , we got off to the main road and turned at Fibwell traffic lights onto the A twenty one and we got the to end of the dual carriageway onto the tail end of the queue as it started into the road works so I just went over the central reservation and went back down the dual carriageway to the traffic lights at
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