Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] the same [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In 16 , however ( and perhaps in 15 , too ) , it is possible to argue not only that the two sentences can be used to make identical statements , but more specifically that horse and mare make effectively the same semantic contribution to their respective sentences .
2 We say " the same man " and mean numerically the same human person ; and we say " the same colour " and mean a quality that can be possessed or exemplified by different individuals .
3 A pity he could not have read Alec Wilder 's American Popular Song ( 1972 ) which , using basically the same musical criteria as Adorno — derived from European bourgeois art music — could have been designed as a riposte to his view of this repertory
4 Although various thinkers before him had formulated much the same basic principle of utility as basic to ethics none had used it so systematically as the basis for rethinking all moral and social arrangements .
5 We can see from Labour 's amendment J that Councillor , as I said earlier , intends to go down the same old socialist way of providing the very type of housing that is currently failing tenants .
6 The to infinitive has much the same expressive effect in : ( 23 ) Certainly I looked for no such friendship as you have shown .
7 This has exactly the same internal format as a FONT except that its ID number is unique and not , as was the case with the FONT resource , the result of a calculation based on the font number , the size and a constant .
8 Note that , as far as the rhythmic design is concerned , this could be Beethoven , whose Ode to Joy in the Ninth Symphony has exactly the same rhythmic elements , disposed differently .
9 Reid said : ‘ David has exactly the same single-minded attitude as Lineker , and that 's why he will score goals at any level . ’
10 My feeling for girls has still the same nervous reverence of childhood or earliest boyhood , rather increased if anything , and only too excessive to be chivalrous .
11 Gotfryd is not as analytical as Levi : he has n't the same scientific and philosophical skill and passion .
12 Their forefingers imitated the movements of the pen , looping and daubing across the table-top , while their lips mouthed silently the same slow words .
13 No other historical transformation has quite the same clear-cut and definite character .
14 Endotoxin from different organisms although it may be of of different potency has essentially the same biological effects .
15 Yet the Discovery has a classy , Conran-designed interior , excellent seats and ride-comfort and a wonderful , rumbling V8 engine that emits just the same blue-blooded burble as a Range Rover .
16 Maurice Raynal , although less extreme and volatile in his thought than Apollinaire , adopted much the same idealist view while realizing that abstraction was not the end or goal of Cubist painting .
17 We have seen exactly the same psychological process in palaeontology , where the fashionable fixation for homoeomorphy in many groups brainwashed many of us into thinking : " if they look alike they ca n't be related " !
18 Two days later she 'd be back , picking up the same rubber skirt and saying , half you got ziss in one leetle size bigger ?
19 George Birkitt did n't show quite the same smooth tact in his dealings with the actor he was replacing .
20 Whether because people really did not know how to interpret the revolution in England or because they wanted fairly complete independence and correctly suspected that William was going to exercise much the same overall powers as Charles and James had done , there was a revolt in New York that took some months to suppress and the colonists of Massachusetts at the beginning of the 1690s were no more reconciled to English rule than in the past .
21 In their encounters with the ghostly figures of past eras and periods , historians frequently adopt much the same holistic approach as we do .
22 He 'd been back again the following weekend , and he had had just the same unsettling effect on her .
23 The murals of Diego Rivera for the Secretariat of Public Education in Mexico City are admitted by the critic Antonio Rodriguez not to be all of an equally high standard , ‘ but what poet could keep up the same lyrical flow for a thousand verses ?
24 Germany , admittedly , has n't got quite the same high rate of inflation , but France has an inflation problem , France has an unemployment problem .
25 She had had precisely the same expensive education as her friend and would never concede that she was not as clever .
26 The question remains whether an investigator equally committed might not perform much the same myth-detecting operation on any considerable body of writing , say the novels of Dickens , or indeed the works of some quite minor writer .
27 Spending time considering that Chemical Dependency might be the true cause of many of these secondary consequences is a better use of the doctor 's time than trying to tidy up the same repeated consequences time and time again .
28 Irvine had been killed , not preparing for a piss but to carry out the same amorous duties I had .
29 Pottery and commercial tinplate may have roughly the same tensile strength but if a cup is dropped on the floor it will shatter , perhaps almost explosively .
30 THERE 'S A wise old saying ( actually it 's the title of a Bruce Willis album , but that does n't have quite the same authoritative ring ) that goes ‘ What does n't kill you , only makes you stronger ’ .
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