Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Officially , the bike route ends here ; more experienced cyclists may care to carry on the ascent to the Krimml waterfalls .
2 Other typical signs indicating a problem with sharp teeth are , as already mentioned , the evasion of the bit and the horse quidding while eating ( food drops out of the mouth ) ; nodding while being ridden , hanging on the bit to one side , ie pulling on one rein and , in more extreme cases , rearing and bolting. teeth should be left until they are mature .
3 In recent years there have been feminist theologians who , far from believing there to be a gap to be bridged between past and present , have emphasized rather the continuity to be found in the situation of women .
4 ‘ Even bringing down the charges to £4 means the council will be incurring a £40,000 loss .
5 I decided to try the Power Tool in two ways : the first using a stack , with the amp set to full shred ; the second with a Vox AC30 on full tilt , but with the Power Tool bringing down the volume to bedroom level .
6 A group of American venture capitalists laid down the law to European hopefuls at the Etre conference in Vienna a couple of weeks ago .
7 If this image were displayed using the methods described earlier it would lack very dark values ( 0–24 ) as well as medium to bright values ( 91–255 ) and would cover only the dark to medium grey range .
8 Since , in 1850 , the one bastion of that order which had escaped major trouble in 1848 was the Russian Empire , it was likely that at some point France would throw down the gauntlet to the tsar .
9 If they 're becoming as disabled as you think they are , they wo n't be allowed just to go down the way to the shops will they if the nearest shops are twenty miles down the road !
10 ‘ Disco gear ; we have the most fantastic make-up and we dance along the catwalk to the most way-out music , which Roman has had specially composed . ’
11 However , a surge in voltage of this nature , short-lived or not , may be carried on the mains to other equipment in the vicinity .
12 It follows that if teachers believe they are incompetent or impotent in these matters , they will accept and expect that the proper strategy is to pass on the problems to suitably qualified colleagues .
13 She said well , tell Grant , she said he can have a reprieve , she said it 's May the eighth and , and she says , she probably heard me say it was Friday and that 's when I thought it was this Friday , so I had to phone erm the receptionist at daddy 's works , so she was going to pass on the message to daddy just to tell him just to work late as usual , Grant , rather than come in at teatime and then go back to work again .
14 One day the hospital rang Mrs Britton to say he had died , and to pass on the news to me .
15 Later , when we 're nearer completion , you might like to offer a free trip to the agents he recommends — get them to pass on the news to their customers .
16 Churchill 's ‘ overlords ’ certainly enabled him to slim down the Cabinet to sixteen members .
17 We also run a Hi-Watt 50 amp through a Marshall Emulator ; that goes through the direct send in the rack to the desk , so the sound man out front gets that as well as the mics on Bryan 's two Vox amps .
18 do you know where you send in the thing to ?
19 Walking down the Promenade to the Albion Hotel for luncheon , with Samuel striding ahead like Stonewall Jackson , and Gwendolen having found an apparent soul mate in Lord Beddington , Oliver found himself forced to walk next to Angelina .
20 The following graph gives a general idea of how quickly the real value of those customers ' accounts erode if they are not collected and slip down the scale to customer 5 .
21 So far we have considered only the extent to which changes in stimulus effectiveness might be revealed by changes in the ability of a stimulus to evoke its UR ; but , according to the theory , a loss of effectiveness will have other effects .
22 From there we had to shuffle down the underground to Davenports Magic Shop , where Paul had been lured in order to buy an ancient Chinese trick , hence the coolie gear .
23 In 1878 Frobenius showed that relinquishing the commutative law of multiplication adds only the quaternions to the list , and using algebraic topology Bott , Milnor and Kervaire showed , in 1957 , that relinquishing in addition the associative law adds only the Cayley numbers .
24 He wrapped his mackintosh carefully round the small sketch-pad and fled down the pathway to the church , arriving in the nick of time , for as he closed the heavy arched door behind him , a slow drizzle of rain swept across the village and surrounding fields .
25 SUPERMAN artist Joe Shuster , who lost millions by signing away the rights to the comic book hero he helped create , has died in Los Angeles aged 78 .
26 They guarantee that for every £100 nominal worth of gilts bought by an investor , £100 will be paid on maturity , plus the increase in the Retail Prices Index over the years to that maturity .
27 Conservative Central Office has been inundated with jittery reports from regional Tory organisers , but is banking on driving home the message to a receptive audience that a vote for the Liberal Democrats would effectively open the door of Downing Street to Mr Kinnock .
28 send up the survey to old Hughey , he , he 'll give you a few .
29 At last , while the shadow of the ramparts reached quickly over the grass , they gathered up the debris of their afternoon and skipped or ran or walked or grumbled up the slopes to home .
30 Information technology is playing , and will increasingly continue to play , a major role in opening up the curriculum to people with disabilities .
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