Example sentences of "[noun] money [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was little on course money for the horse , but betting shops in Yorkshire were hit by a string of late bets , mostly of £30 or £40 .
2 ‘ That you rebuild the villa as a health farm and hydro , we recognize the need to brine money to the area ; establish a nature trail with two rangers , me and Jake , and you can have your holiday village if you reconstruct the marching camp and put some huts up there with thatched roofs like an old British hill fort . ’
3 Also prohibited was payment of ransom or protection money to the guerrillas by farmers and businesspeople ; companies proved to have paid such money would lose their operating licences .
4 We have s training schemes with support money from the Government .
5 But it may be additional in the same way as the government argues EEC money to the North is — that is , they argue that they plan their spending in the expectation that they will get the EEC money and would plan differently if they did not expect to get it .
6 Because er well if there was a death er in the family at th that time they used to erm I do n't suppose you remember it but er there used to always be a plate on a table whoever called would leave a little bit money on the plate to help pay for the funeral or whatever .
7 I mean I 'm skint at the moment I 've I 've I 've hardly got any money money at the moment .
8 ‘ And you did n't know he gave all her housekeeping money to the Druids — ‘
9 A dealer will occasionally work against the system , making his clients money against the odds .
10 I buy used all the club money at the time when we bought it
11 He asked if he could also have bonus money for the people below who had also contributed to his efforts .
12 As the budget looms , the chancellor seems to be looking again at the feasibility of raising money for the government , by ending the tax relief on mortgages of up to thirty thousand pounds .
13 It 's proving very difficult raising money for the sea wall because everybody likes to contribute towards buying something new but not so many like to repair something you have already got .
14 erm The Queen did n't arrive till 1643 , she 'd been in the Netherlands raising money for the war effort , very successfully , because she finally came to Oxford with 2,000 foot and 1,000 horsemen , and erm a hundred wagons full of equipment as well as cannons and so on .
15 Suffolk had received £6.5 million of new transfer money from the Government and there was to be no change in the level of funding .
16 Most are existing schemes eligible for extra EIB money under the Edinburgh facility , which allows the bank , the European Commission 's investment arm , to lend more than its usual 50 per cent ceiling to suitable , growth-promoting projects .
17 He was delegated to hand over sponsorship money to the Brazilian Racing Driver Emerson Fittipaldi and was shocked by the lack of business acumen that surrounded the deal .
18 Martin 's pain , though , has brought fruit in the form of about £550 promised sponsorship money for the Alton Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit .
19 It has been suggested that guidance should be given to the profession relating to receipts which are being issued for redemption money on the redemption of feuduties in terms of Section 4 of the Land Tenure Reform ( Scotland ) Act , 1974 , the section which provided for voluntary redemption of feuduties at the terms of Whitsunday and Martinmas .
20 Carl Jacobson faces up to 10 years in prison for relaying bribery money to the US navy official responsible for awarding lucrative contracts to WedTech , a New York contractor , and United Chemcon , a Lancaster , Pennsylvania company associated with Mr Guerin 's International Signal and Control Corp .
21 Walnut timber is exceedingly valuable , so much so that lumbermen in the United States used to wander round offering people cash money for the trees growing in their yard .
22 The rumours spread that this was because Murphy 's had refused to pay appearance money to the Tour 's major stars .
23 Promoters who fought for his services paid appearance money for the wonder dog who could boost attendances by 500 per cent .
24 Consultants and general practitioners need clearer explanations that a resource can be used only once , and higher expenditure on prescribing in primary care means loss of development money for the NHS .
25 Anyone organising a rally may reclaim the ticket money from the Society if they wish — please contact the Treasurer .
26 Keyboard player Davies said : ‘ An armed gang suddenly burst in and demanded all the ticket money from the guy on the door .
27 I get a bed , and food , and a bit of pocket money from the teaching I do when I fill in .
28 There was also a clear indication in the background that they would refuse to play in any joint events , such as Wimbledon or the French Open , unless they were paid equal prize money with the men .
29 Hearn and Doyle , whose players won over 70 per cent of the prize money on the WPBSA circuit last year , would rather see greater efficiency and cost effectiveness .
30 Martell have substantially increased the prize money for the race to give a total prize fund of about £175,000 , this being an increase f three per cent over the previous year .
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