Example sentences of "[noun] always [vb -s] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The manor always looks out of place to me , a Victorian shooting lodge built in the style of a German castle for the wealthy Kay Shuttleworth family .
2 A neat feature is that the bar always moves out of the way when you get near it , hopping from the top to the bottom of the screen and vice versa .
3 all the annoying Germany always pops up at the wrong , the wrong most inopportune time .
4 It was a lot of work for one man , he told me , which is why the name Hugh Cruttwell always turns up on the credits of his movies .
5 ‘ By tradition the money always comes in at the end .
6 His hair always stands up on end !
7 The ball always ends up in our court .
8 The hon. Gentleman always gives in to lobbies and should not have given in to that one .
9 In the end , however , this movement always falls back into order or into ‘ cadence ’ ; back into the framework of the triad , the element of ‘ authority , stability , consonance and repose ’ .
10 By his very vigour , which left few corners of Indian life uninspected or untouched , Curzon produced disquiet ; and by his partition of Bengal , pushed through on its administrative merits with Olympian — the word always comes up with respect to Curzon — disregard for risk , he spectacularly increased the political consciousness of the Bengali middle classes .
11 Stewart Aviation always comes up with something new for gigglemas .
12 You know , Bill always goes down on a Tuesday
13 We are all used to thinking of the Earth as some kind of large magnet , with two magnetic poles located quite near the geographic North and South Poles , so that the needle of a compass always lines up in the same direction .
14 Amber always runs up for a hug when I walk through the door ’ , she says .
15 The show always goes on for Shirley
16 And Inderjit Singh , of the Council of Sikh Gurdwaras , said : ‘ Handsworth always finishes up as a chaotic dump and the traders are scared .
17 The shake table always moves back to zero . ’
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