Example sentences of "[noun] when you [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In fact , there are days when you give the impression that tomorrow is far too late .
2 The Palais du Prince du Sommeil , written by Celestin de Mirbel in 1667 actually advises in his preface that , " The favours of the strictest ladies will be wholly won for you , at the moment when you become the sympathetic interpreter of their dreams " — certainly a pragmatic reason for buying his dream-book .
3 The moment you come to play , the moment when you feel the pressure of the whole body on the keys — that is when the real process of interpretation really begins .
4 From first thing in the morning , when you turn off the clock-radio , throw back the fibre-filled duvet and activate the toaster , to the end of the day when you switch the TV off and the kettle on , plastic items have become an indispensable part of our lives .
5 And while we 're on the subject , Rachel , what did you mean the other night when you said the real tragedy for anyone facing up to a handicap was when expected support was withdrawn ? ’
6 ‘ Think back , ’ said Mahmoud , ‘ think back to the morning when you asked the boy Farakat about his sister .
7 Be sure to apply before the first of the calendar month when you want the rebate to start .
8 Begin this pan with a few seconds of static shot ( remembering to allow for the backspace time ) and continue the shot for a few more seconds when you reach the end of the pan .
9 But of course there are times when you feel the need to run miles from a television studio , to seek relative anonymity away from strong lights , beckoning floor managers , and frantic messages in your ear-piece as you try simultaneously to deliver a dramatic link on a completely different subject .
10 ‘ You were certain enough last Saturday afternoon when you put the boot in , ’ said Pascoe casually from his corner .
11 Prepare a simple " contact " file with a page for every person and the date when you made the contact .
12 ‘ You looked like death when you left the club .
13 Eighty years does n't seem a very long time when you consider the art of acting has been prospering in Europe over the last four hundred or so years , quite apart from the great traditions of ancient Greek drama .
14 That was the time when you did the fancy things on the top , aye .
15 This is useful practise to prepare for the time when you allow the dog off the leash for the first time , and call it back to you .
16 This is one time when you need the reassurance and help of your human keeper .
17 It can be carried out at any time when you feel the need , for example , when you are near anybody with a cold or ‘ flu ; when you are experiencing any form of fear ; when others are indulging in negative emotions ; in noisy surroundings ; first thing in the morning and last thing at night ; after meditating or giving intuitive aromatherapy massage .
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