Example sentences of "[noun] went [adv prt] into the " in BNC.

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1 the we the wee fella went out into the hallway and
2 The mess tin went back into the cupboard .
3 Fierce Eyes went out into the storm and returned with the grandmother 's grizzled skull , the hair frozen into spikes which he broke off and cast on to the fire , where they sizzled , cooled , then flared .
4 The two brothers went back into the Guild Office , and Ebenezer began to gasp and splutter , telling his story as best he could : what Florrie had said to him about Tom 's letter and what Tom had threatened to do … .
5 Then he , too , turned and without a backward glance went out into the passage , slamming the door .
6 Implicit in the rhetoric of those who campaigned for stiffer age-of-consent legislation ( and the campaign went on into the 1930s to raise it above 16 , even to 21 ) was the assumption that young working-class girls were ignorant and defenceless and could not decide for themselves .
7 Then the big bearded hijacker went back into the Captain 's cabin .
8 Rose said she 'd seen her walking in the direction of the milking sheds , and with a little nod Ellie went out into the grounds .
9 But erm you know when we were on the strike if these lads would n't have gone back , there was couple of scabs went back into the quarry .
10 The ponies walked slowly because their feet went down into the snow .
11 They had their tea , then Boy went back into the living room to watch the breakfast television , which was sport , and then the phone rang .
12 The N.C. O. handed over the papers he had brought and after clicking his heels and saluting went back into the station without looking at me .
13 Celebrations went on into the morning and Paul and Fiona , along with many of their friends , stayed on in Jersey for a week 's holiday , before flying to Greece for their honeymoon .
14 Rain went back into the sitting room expecting to see Cobalt there .
15 Martin went back into the bedroom with Sarah .
16 The hero Theseus went down into the underworld to support his friend Pirithous in an attempt to carry off Proserpine , Queen of Hades .
17 Furious , Wilson went down into the freezing kitchen , where the well banked-up fire had not quite died down , and poked it vigorously until it began to burn up .
18 Philip went out into the garden , stepping into a patch of snow that lay by the step .
19 Mrs Wright went into the house and Philip went out into the road .
20 The budgerigar was in the kitchen and Philip stayed in there when the rest went back into the living-room .
21 When the show was over , Troy went out into the darkness .
22 Carrie did not turn round as Seb went out into the yard to wash .
23 Owen went down into the courtyard .
24 Rain and Oliver went out into the sun .
25 I had noticed on the way in that Jefferson 's office was alongside the boardroom and , as the last visitor went through into the factory , I turned sharp left and entered his office .
26 Sophia went back into the house and came out again with a bowl of washing , from which she shook out a large Union Jack .
27 The mowers went out into the little fields of wheat and oats , and the sheaves stood yellow in the stubble .
28 The wireless blared ‘ I just called to say I love you ’ as Daisy went back into the house .
29 That slaughter , when it comes , is reported in the baldest possible terms : ‘ … the people went up into the city , every man straight before him , and they took the city .
30 But presently the crowd loosened into smaller groups and a good many people went off into the village or set off for outlying farms .
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