Example sentences of "[noun] made [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Jubilee was celebrated by a District Rally held at the Guildhall in Cambridge and reflected the wide support the WEA continued to attract through speeches made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer ( R. A. Butler ) , the Provost of King 's College ( Sir John Sheppard ) , the Director of Education for Norfolk ( Dr. Lincoln Ralphs ) , the National Secretary of the WEA ( Harry Nutt ) and the former Chairman of the District ( Arthur Allen , MP for Wellingborough ) .
2 In assuming the title and arms of King of France in 1340 , he laid much stress on his God-given duty to recover his right , and in the speeches made by the Chancellor at the opening of parliament in the 1340s and 1350s the commons were asked to grant aids ‘ in pursuit of the king 's quarrel to recover his rights ’ , or in consideration of ‘ the pursuit of our right ’ .
3 The speeches made by the representatives of member governments at the General Assembly were dominated by events in the Gulf [ see pp. 37631-41 ; 37694-97 ] .
4 Affidavits from the defendants ' solicitors established that the photocopy affidavit was supplied to them by the second defendant for the purposes of seeking legal advice in circumstances where litigation was contemplated , but did not indicate whether the photocopy sent was a photocopy which the second defendant made for the purpose of instructing his solicitors or a photocopy which had been sent to the second defendant by the employee himself , prepared for the employee 's own purposes which had nothing whatever to do with the defendants obtaining legal advice from their soliticors .
5 Facilities It would be difficult to find a more complete package of accounting facilities than are presented in Financial Controller , but be warned , there are very few concessions made to the tyro book-keeper in terms of jargon , which is strangely at odds with the ethos of the program .
6 This was because of the number of concessions made by the Minister , who on the whole gave a sympathetic response to many of the concerns expressed by members .
7 In terms of the concessions made by the French , the treaty can be interpreted as a success for the English , although historians have not always agreed about this .
8 In this case a local anaesthetic is used and a little cut made in the perineum .
9 Boswell says , ‘ We walked round the house till stopped by a cut made by the influx of the sea .
10 It is the first BBC programme made with the Ambisonics surround-sound system in which sound information is captured that relates to height as well as horizontal distances .
11 Trips made under the Region 's Concessionary Travel Scheme decreased by 13% to 38 million between 1990/91 and 1991/92 .
12 We have also been involved in the trips made by the Prince of Wales to promote British industry abroad , most recently in Hong Kong , Korea and Mexico .
13 They got as far as Eldinhope at the head of St Mary 's Loch before the early November dark made following the tracks of even five hundred difficult ; and the Regent and Ramsay spent the night in that remote peel-tower of a Scott laird .
14 Andesite rock , for example , used by ancient civilisations in Peru , has been matched to corresponding material in disused quarries by microscopic examination of rock made in the field .
15 The nature of the formal shapes made by the dancers ' bodies and limbs as they move into and hold a picture must be evaluated .
16 Although the concessions met the demands made at the start of an unprecedented national protest campaign on June 10 , they now failed to satisfy the opposition , who responded by continuing to call for Ratsiraka 's resignation .
17 However , the management of class conflict bureaucratically is then incompatible with the demands made on the bureaucracy to intervene in society 's productive activities : ‘ productive activity , contrasted with allocative , is incompatible with a bureaucratic mode or organization ’ .
18 Second , the contradictions inherent in the demands made on the state were likely to intensify as capitalist development proceeded .
19 As the State 's military requirements increased and the number of pomeshchiks to be sustained multiplied , the demands made on the peasantry intensified .
20 This has underlined that the price of popularising rugby union has been the increase in pressures off the field , which can be as significant as the demands made on the players themselves .
21 The standard of service obtained by a lexicographer at a primary-use terminal is determined by various demands made on the configuration of equipment and software .
22 These reports summarise the demands made on the computer system over time , and indicate how well the system met those demands .
23 A certain amount of daily exercise is essential to maintain proper body tone and function , but if you are quite unused to exercise it is necessary to build up the exercise levels gradually to allow the body to acclimatize to the increased level of activity and the increased demands made on the heart and lungs , the respiratory and skeletal muscles .
24 As a result of high demands made on the soil and the lack of good fertilizer , yields are low .
25 Because of the interesting , usually technical , demands made on the performers , their ballets often become testing grounds for future soloists .
26 Texts are varied systematically and types of finger movement and speeds on target words can be compared for the different demands made on the reader .
27 Perhaps they have had some effect , by importing into English prisons a tradition of collective action by prisoners in pursuit of demands made of the prison authorities .
28 This attempt to assert baronial control of the king 's officers , reminiscent both of the Provisions of Oxford and the Ordinances , was the most far-reaching of all the demands made during the crisis of 1339–41 .
29 My Lords , the respondents to this appeal , Woolwich , paid to the Inland Revenue Commissioners almost £57m. pursuant to demands made under the Income Tax ( Building Societies ) Regulations 1986 .
30 Does not the hon. Gentleman understand that , in spite of his apparent admiration for Colonel Gaddafi and his regime , the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 731 and called on Libya to respond positively and effectively to the demands made by the United Kingdom , France and the United States ?
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