Example sentences of "[noun] made [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Complex words are of two major types : words made from a basic stem word with the addition of an affix , and compound words , which are made of two ( or occasionally more ) independent English words ( e.g. ‘ ice-cream ’ , ‘ armchair ’ ) .
2 British Nuclear Fuels ( BNF ) makes tritium at Chapel Cross in South-West Scotland , using neutrons made in an ageing Magnox reactor .
3 It is also important not to remain tied to the investment made in an old system .
4 Her dedication would now be complete , an offering made from a full heart and an intimate knowledge of mental pain .
5 After the concert , Branson explained how difficult it was to sell Oldfield 's music in America ; indeed , the only way Virgin had been able to find an American distributor for his records at all was on the back of a deal made for a new group on the label , XTC — precisely the kind of music Oldfield abhorred .
6 It 's an amazingly heady concoction made from a good old bottle of Gordon 's , or whatever your favourite make happens to be , sloshed all over the fruits of the sloe ( blackthorn ) bush .
7 ‘ The case is of importance both because of its possible effect on Mr Anderson and also because an allegation of murder made in a civil action , particularly after an acquittal , is a matter of justifiable public concern and interest .
8 One recommendation made to a large number of departments , however , was for changes in teaching methods , notably the introduction of more oral work .
9 The recommendation made by an external evaluation team to one of BRAC 's main sponsors to continue funding the programme was also an encouraging sign .
10 The test picks out a protein made by a defective gene , the presence of which indicates the patient has the fastest-moving type of cancer .
11 The following year there was a visit to the Edison works at West Orange , where the delegates saw prerecorded cylinders made by an experimental moulding process .
12 Agreements between trading parties made within a governmental framework fall within Article 85 .
13 I have a streak of economy in me , even when contemplating how to épater les bourgeois , and recipes that make their sauce out of a stock made at an earlier stage tend to appeal most .
14 On the other hand , five boys in one huge farmhouse bedroom made for a self-regulating , self-sufficient little kingdom .
15 Champagnes made with a high proportion of Pinot Meunier sometimes have an earthy tone of fruit and when the grapes have come from less favourable sites , there can be a distinctly sweet aroma which reminds one of a confectioner 's shop .
16 The attempts made in a developing country to promote this treatment are described .
17 We have seen that a contract made during an unsolicited visit is cancellable .
18 Fidelity ( 0800 414161 ) has produced guides explaining the tax savings to be made by using a roll-up fund ; the opportunities cover investing on behalf of a child , supplementing your income , retiring or working abroad , approaching retirement , investments made by a non-working spouse and investing on behalf of your company .
19 THE BBC is breaking technical ground next week by transmitting a radio play made with an all-round sound reproduction system .
20 This section describes the procedures which a user designated as the ‘ Offline Operator ’ should follow to satisfactorily carry out the requests made by an Offline run .
21 Who has not been cheered by the song of a robin or thrush , the sight of a kingfisher or the flickering patterns made by a rising flock of lapwings against a dark winter sky , and not felt the better for the experience ?
22 I would prefer , at the risk of offending the purists , to take a robust attitude , and simply say that it is a decision made at a particular time in response to a particular situation against a particular political background , and is poor material on which to build any general proposition .
23 As he knows , the decision made at an earlier stage not to complete the slip road was considered to be ludicrous .
24 Thus a valuation or any other kind of decision made on an erroneous principle should fall with proof that the principle is erroneous .
25 Of course that is not as good , from the point of view we are now considering , as finding an actual past decision made by an authorized body .
26 In 1988 , for example , Action for Cities ( possibly the most important statement on the cities made by a Conservative government after 1979 — HMSO , 1988a ) , highlighted the government 's determination to pursue the theme of integration .
27 A payment made by a third party to a company 's employee , but taxable under Sch E as arising from his employment , was subject to deduction of income tax at source under the PAYE Regulations , according to the High Court in Booth v Mirror Group Newspapers plc [ 1992 ] STI 662 .
28 The lysozyme was first noticed during some investigations made on a patient suffering from acute coryza … .
29 in the case of a settlement made under a testamentary disposition of the settlor or on his intestacy , the time of his death ; and 2. in the case of any other settlement , the time or , where there is more than one each of the times , when he has provided funds directly or indirectly for the purposes of the settlement .
30 Her lawyers believed it was highest settlement made in an English divorce court .
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