Example sentences of "[noun] while the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sausalito , California-based Autodesk Inc 's Autodesk Russia has started distribution of the latest version of AutoCAD in Russian : the company is planning a Russian road show to demonstrate the new product ; the price of the English version of AutoCAD 12 is $5,000 while the Russian version will cost in the region of $1,400 to $1,600 ; upgrades will cost $500 .
2 The weird anomalies of the Burgess shale could have gone on to found evolutionary dynasties while the distant forebears of humanity perished in the ooze .
3 Conservatives worried about the budget deficit implications of the proposed cut while the many liberals in congress were convinced that the cut did not go far enough .
4 It contains large raolecular units while the chemical industry wants small carbon units for feedstocks , so coal must be broken down , usually to make a gas .
5 What he noticed in the camps , however , were large numbers of evangelicals , presumably converted by American missionaries while the Catholic priests were away .
6 It was like watching leaves floating on a swiftly flowing river ; every now and then one of the leaves would be arrested against a submerged rock while the great mass of them flowed by even faster on each side .
7 Kent has paired with Pad de Calais départment while the European Institute for Social Work has found a home in the University of Kent .
8 The money , under the EC 's Rechar programme , has been frozen for 18 months while the political dispute raged on .
9 It is worth noting that although the product is only just released commercially I have been using an ‘ engineering ’ version on the PC for some two months while the actual review tests were done on a genuine US release version .
10 If the Security Council excludes from the new tribunal 's jurisdiction such larger crimes , which are perhaps more likely to be committed by higher state officials , the resulting trials may end up dealing only with the small fry while the big fish get away .
11 This section reviews the trends in income and income maintenance while the next section examines what these trends suggest about the position of families headed by Asian and Afro-Caribbean parents .
12 This may be due to a reduction of free water clearance resulting in elevation of the blood volume and suppression of renin while the osmotic effect of hyperglycaemia may further exacerbate the problem .
13 The military and large corporations control Congress and the president while the American people have to pick up the tax bill to finance it all .
14 They sat facing each other in the gloom of the carriage while the cold January twilight deepened around them .
15 The former gains a temporary respite from persistent blood loss while the ageing parasite population is eventually replaced by a vigorous young generation .
16 They huddle sensibly together in heaps of dirty wool while the pitiless wind shifts and howls between the shivering trees or flaps with daemonic aggression at the corrugated sheets of the sheds , outhouses and garages along the village road .
17 One wall was wholly taken up with books while the other walls were hung with home-produced charts in which numbers and symbols formed elaborate geometrical patterns .
18 There was some interruption of access to printed books while the new fire detection and alarm system was being installed in those areas where rare books are housed , and any inconvenience to readers is very much regretted .
19 Spencers became Knights of the Garter , Privy Councillors , ambassadors and a First Lord of the Admiralty while the third Earl Spencer was considered as a possible Prime Minister .
20 Opposition leaders called for an investigation after Namaliu , who had been trailing 1,600 votes behind rival candidate Oscar Tammur at an early stage of the count , secured victory following an unexplained power blackout while the final ballot boxes were being processed .
21 Part or all of the aedeagus is held by some authors to be of a secondary , non-appendicular nature but others consider it to be formed by the division of the gonapophyses of the 9th abdominal segment , the two median halves fusing during development to form the penis while the lateral halves constitute the parameres .
22 In terms of the general feedback models of the preceding section , the inverting configuration is an example of shunt-voltage feedback while the noninverting configuration is an example of series-voltage feedback .
23 The immediate haemodynamic effect of interrupting blood flow to the low resistance placental circulation while the umbilical arteries are pulsating is an abrupt rise in systemic arterial pressure with possible deleterious effects .
24 By remembering that , application of these criteria for equilibrium to equation ( 8.33 ) leads to the first derivative of that equation while the second derivative is where the subscript c denotes critical conditions .
25 Simon and Andrew , his brother , were fishing while the other brothers , James and John , were mending their nets .
26 Albert compiled eight volumes of these Arien , many of which betray the influence of Schein , who was Kantor at Leipzig 's Thomaskirche while the younger musician was studying at the university there .
27 Duggan has taken a ski-ing holiday in the United States while the tricky negotiations were taking place this weekend .
28 The white-tufted grebe is a race endemic to the Falklands while the silvery grebe is also found in Chile and Argentina .
29 The shortest priced favourite can stumble and fall at the very first fence while the 100–1 outsider can achieve the ultimate glory .
30 Hypericum patulum " Hidcote " and Weigela florida " Variegata " break the line of the fence while the architectural line of acanthus is offset by heuhera and the sun loving helianthemum at a lower level .
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