Example sentences of "[noun] old at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ian remembered it , but I did n't , being only a few months old at the time .
2 One of the children taken from this family was only six months old at the time of removal .
3 There was one child amongst the others called who was eight months old at the time .
4 William was just five months 11 days old at the start ; he had already sailed over 1,500 miles , was the contented centre of attention and was still fresh from triumph in the fancy dress competition , where he earned himself the prize of a furry whale for his appearance as a white mouse .
5 It replaced 1923 stock , which was incidentally only forty-four years old at the time it was moved to the island !
6 She was about nineteen years old at the time , as I was .
7 He was thirty-eight years old at the time — why the hell had n't we heard of him ?
8 She was nearly 80 years old at the time and had been a devoted parent and strict catholic all her life .
9 The amusing story spread like wild-fire through the district and tradition maintains that it impressed the fertile imagination of the young Robert Burns , who was nine years old at the time , and that he recalled the incident many years later when he was creating his masterpiece , the poem Tam O' Shanter , which is set in the ruined kirk .
10 HOWEVER , HIS SINGING CAREER STARTED in , of all places , the pop charts : ‘ I was sixteen years old at the time , and at the end of the sixties it seemed just the thing to do .
11 My daughter , who was six years old at the time , was delighted to be sleeping in Mummy 's bed and I was delighted to have her with me .
12 The archer who holds this distinction is Michael Leach , who was only twelve years old at the time .
13 He was 38 years old at the time of this raid .
14 I was eight years old at the time and completely confused by their attitude .
15 He was 60 years old at the time of Messines , with wide and varied military service behind him , including fighting in South Africa during the Boer War ( 1899–1902 ) , when he played a distinguished part in the relief of Mafeking .
16 The young man ( he was but sixteen years old at the time ) was fighting for justice , for the claim of his father , Edward III , to the throne of France .
17 ( 15 years old at the time of writing ) Runner-up for the 1991 BBC WILDLIFE Magazine Award for Young Writers ( aged 13–17 )
18 He had been ten years old at the time of Herbert 's wedding ; his name was Max Beerbohm ; the story is recounted in Lord David Cecil 's Max , A Biography ; the date was 1882 , and sillabub , added Max , was then his favourite dish .
19 Ealhfrith must have been about 20 years old at the time of the battle of the Winwaed , after which he became king of Deira , taking over the former territory of his cousin , Oethelwald .
20 I was eight years old at the time . ’
21 Playfair married Jessie Graham , and their children included the well-known Scottish architect William Henry Playfair [ q.v. ] , who was only three years old at the time of his father 's death .
22 So what exactly happened to young Sarah , who was only 10 or 11 years old at the time ?
23 From living near the edge of a hot , steamy jungle in Army married quarters and coming back to England to live in a little house in Catterick Camp with snow everywhere , myself and my son , who was eight years old at the time , were sitting eating porridge feeling miserable and cold waiting for a plumber to come and mend a burst pipe .
24 During the period 20–5Myr ago , the Nazca Plate had passed the initial stage of subduction and was 55–65Myr old at the trench ; it was therefore too old and cold for melting to occur before dehydration .
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