Example sentences of "[noun] going [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 Could you say a little bit more about the research going on in the Education Area ?
2 We had a business man on Question Time who was saying that five hundred million pound fraud going on in the benefits , right ?
3 Surely not all that protein synthesis going on in the absence of the inhibitor could be about learning and memory ; some other fundamental aspects of behaviour must be affected ?
4 ‘ I know from other work going on in the south of Shetland that 10 per cent of the residents there remain concerned about the possibility of major long-term health effects , ’ he said .
5 He 's got to fulfil all three roles , and the more managerial work going on in the office , the harder it is to find the time to do the work for the clients , which is what produces the fees .
6 Meanwhile there 's nothing mystical about the version of Sumo wrestling going on in the city centre .
7 There 's a lot of change going on in the game at the moment , which is always a healthy sign .
8 there is some change going on in the rural economy and perhaps he does want to interpret it as er a revolution which the communists can actually get involved in so he 's writing his paper and saying look , this is happening it may not be a rel revolution , but it
9 Erm all I 'm sure about is that there was this change going on in the rurar econ
10 Yeah , music we 've normally got some noise going on in the background .
11 WHAT with car-jackings , smash-and-grab raids and bombs going off in the car park at the World Trade Centre , no wonder American motorists are turning to Bill O'Gara .
12 I can feel behind my head the haze of reddish hair going away in the opposite direction .
13 The data allow the medical school greater control over the teaching going on in the hospitals .
14 But in other parts of the Midlands , and indeed the country , the search is on to find the houses with high erm we have quite large programmes going on in the south west and also in the Pennines , Scotland .
15 There was a conference going on in the kitchen .
16 There was a brawl going on in the entrance , and two policemen were clamping handcuffs on a couple of young men who were causing the trouble .
17 of CCA comments , ‘ I do not think that this experiment is going to substitute and take the place of several experiments going on in the Third World .
18 ‘ It is a particular shame for Neil because there were far worse things going on in the game but some people only want to see the dark side of him .
19 It is almost as if Big Brother begrudges us our pleasures and has decided to make us realise there are other things going on in the world other than cricket .
20 There were all sorts of busy monkish things going on in the courtyard of the monastery of Saint Sacco Benedetto .
21 He had known she was old but she had been so full of vitality , and interested in all the things going on in the world , that her death was a shock .
22 That does n't mean you disregard adult commitments and disregard that there is some really shitty stuff going on in the world right now .
23 The other programme was the field theory initiated by Faraday , according to which electrical phenomena can be explained in terms of actions going on in the medium surrounding electrified bodies and electric circuits , rather than in terms of the behaviour of a substance within them .
24 I am as aware as anyone of the changes going on in the world .
25 So someone suddenly said , ‘ There 's a really terrific game going on in the square in Granada , ’ and we were just waiting and then Brynner said , ‘ Of course , I 'm the South American callot champion . ’
26 There was even the same poker game going on in the back room , a game I could n't get in on but which I could glimpse every time the same barmaid took refills through .
27 Yet hoards found elsewhere — in Scandinavia and in northern Britain , for instance , where no such royal controls operated — show that there was plenty of " international " trade going on in the ninth century .
28 Means going back in the morning and taking him for a walk
29 So Libet 's experiments tell us something interesting about the information processing going on in the subject 's brain but they tell us nothing about the temporal relationship between physical events — either inside or outside the brain — and conscious experiences .
30 They need not always be social workers , and indeed , there is one care management pilot going on in the city that has a district nurse as a care manager .
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