Example sentences of "[noun] must [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 Plato was not alone in believing that some kind of physical change must occur in the brain when information is stored in memory , and neuroscientists have been looking for Plato 's ‘ wax tablet ’ without success since the beginning of this century .
2 References to other books , to technical papers , to periodicals and to your own personal notes must appear in the margins of the books in your own library .
3 For obvious reasons , people receiving injections of the drug must stay in the dark for a few days , and keep out of direct sunlight for a month , or longer .
4 On any view of causes , a great deal in the life of each of us is completely out of our power , and our freedom must consist in the way we handle that small but crucial area which does actually come before us for choice .
5 The limited partner(s) contribute a fixed amount of money when joining the partnership , and this money must remain in the partnership .
6 The press reported in detail the ordeal which rape survivors must undergo in the court situation — GIRL WEEPS AFTER 90-MINUTE RAPE QUIZ — when one of the girls broke down in court during questioning .
7 The onus of making that interpersonal connection between their differing maps of the mind must rest in the first place with the staff , not with the student .
8 It would appear that the explanation for the strong link between sex and crime must lie in the wider stratification system in society .
9 If this running light is to emulate the movement of a ball along a pitch , from the bowler 's end represented by D1 to the wicket represented by D10 , the l.e.d.s must light in the correct order and necessarily stop on reaching D10 , in spite of the fact that the clock pulses are continually applied .
10 The sense of outrage on the part of both Marx and Braverman at the crippling effects ( physical or spiritual ) on many workers of the division of labour within capitalist enterprises is fully justified , but their unitary and rationalistic conception of the total subordination of labour to capital leads them to an overestimation of the role this division of labour must play in the formation of social collectivities : the extraction of any ‘ skill ’ content from labour for the mass of workers ; the homogenisation of ‘ simple labour ’ in all branches of production ; the cheapening of labour power ; increasingly intolerable oppression — these tendencies are bound to overwhelm any secondary differentiation of the workers by branch or by enterprise and lead to the formation of a revolutionary proletariat .
11 in the region of twenty months and two years , erm , in those circumstances my Lord er the issue must arise in the interim er is er able er to re-claim money for the central fund , these are monies that are as your Lordship knows under article ten , payable forthwith on demand and in the interim can it rely on the statutory effect of section fourteen of the act
12 The maximum diameter of this window , at the equator , is about 150° of longitude — so for the satellite to be able , say , to ‘ see ’ Singapore on the very western periphery of what one might call ‘ the economists ’ Pacific' — a definition we will consider m- a moment — its window must end in the east somewhere near the longitude of Mexico City .
13 As with other verbal games the child must type in the sentences correctly spelled and has to read the replies which , for the most part , will be in standard English .
14 I:30 ) , ‘ and God makes Christ to be our wisdom , righteousness , sanctification and redemption , so that , as the Scripture says , ‘ He that boasts must boast in the Lord . ’
15 It can not be stressed too strongly that a great deal of the blame for unsatisfactory deeds must lie in the failure of the Scottish legal profession to provide itself with a service for new styles .
16 The Chancellor must act in the March Budget , ’ said Roger Simpson , director of the Brewers ' Society .
17 Since in both cases the end , getting a true belief , is the same , the difference must lie in the means ; but what the difference is , and why it matters , remains to be seen .
18 Hips and elbows must have been X-rayed and have received excellent results , but further more , all dogs must participate in the Swedish mental test .
19 It is important to set the drill on a high speed setting ( 5,000rpm maximum ) , and the disc must turn in the direction shown by the arrow on the housing .
20 The plaintiff must file in the court office a request for the issue of a summons .
21 Er , Birmingham region , Brian , who will count G M B Scotland Lancashire region , John who will count Southern Liverpool region , Alan who will count South Western London , Bill who will count Yorkshire Midland , Colin who will count Birmingham Northern , Derek who will count Lancashire G M B Scotland , Mary , who will count Liverpool Southern , Jack who will count London South Western , John , the other John , who will count Midland Yorkshire , Ray who will count Northern er , and now the pep talk it should be emphasized that tellers must remain in the congress hall while congress is in session and of course that delegates must be in their allotted seats when a vote is taken .
22 All applicants must live in the Greater London area , and must be able to attend the school five days a week between September 1992 and July 1993 .
23 If what I said above is true , since any observationally adequate linguistics describes the superficial form of the text the unique source of linguistic insight must reside in the deeper explanations offered by the linguistic theory .
24 Essentially a director must believe in the person he is guiding .
25 Where the person under disability wishes to be a plaintiff or applicant , before commencing proceedings , if he is a mental patient and a person is authorised by order of the Court of Protection to conduct the proceedings , then that person must file in the court office a sealed office copy of the Court of Protection 's order ( Ord 10 , r 2(a) ) .
26 In so far as progress towards meritocracy was slow involving a gentle democratisation , as Holmes had argued — this was correct , but another factor must lie in the unmeritocratic aspirations of the local authorities , who administered the educational change .
27 Associated with this destruction deposit were coins which ended with Carausius and this could place the desecration under Constantine , rather than in the middle of the fourth century , but better evidence must survive in the unexcavated areas of the site .
28 The resolution of problem behaviour must lie in the successful unlearning of such behaviours .
29 It will be obvious that during these months a number of changes must occur in the mother 's body also .
30 The same ideas apply in digraphs , except that all the edges must point in the same direction .
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