Example sentences of "[noun] other [subord] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No one must own any horse other than a work horse ; arms were forbidden ; informers were planted in every community to report on breaches of regulations or even suspicions about a man 's trade or lack of it ; and in all cases of doubt , summary hanging was in order .
2 The most watched programme other than a soap was a repeat of Denis Norden 's The Worst Of It 'll Be Alright On The Night .
3 At least in the first stage of transition , there is no alternative other than a combination of the market and state regulation .
4 It can perform any action other than a communication with the terminated process ( which clearly can not agree to any communication ) .
5 So that fellow Smallholders can each exchange their Smallholding and responsibilities with like minded anywhere in the country for little expense other than a registration fee , cost of food and petrol to get there .
6 The conventional form is generally convenient ; it is useful to have equal eigenvalues in groups and to the use superdiagonal ; but in particular cases it may be well to use a nonzero quantity other than a unit in the superdiagonal .
7 There was no furniture in the room other than a cupboard in the far corner in which were kept special foods such as plates of dates selected from the great storehouse or the enamel pots poured full of the sweet of the area .
8 When choosing dowel at any place other than a kite store which would have selected its stock , rotate the spar between thumb and forefinger of one hand while resting the dowel in the other hand and check that the spar is straight .
9 The purchaser should reject outright any suggestion by any vendor other than a liquidator , administrator or receiver that , unlike a share sale , there is no need to give warranties in an asset sale .
10 Most blinds other than a roller blind will screen out too much light .
11 ( 4 ) If the provision of a specimen other than a specimen of breath may be required in pursuance of this section the question whether it is to be a specimen of blood or a specimen of urine shall be decided by the constable making the requirement , but if a medical practitioner is of the opinion that for medical reasons a specimen of blood can not or should not be taken the specimen shall be a specimen of urine .
12 the absence of any bereavement payment of £3,500 to persons other than a spouse or parent who has lost a child under 18 .
13 the charge to call an O eight nine eight number from any phone other than a pay phone is thirty six pence per minute at cheap rate and forty eight per minute at all other times , over half of this money is paid by B T to the business providing the informational service
14 In my view the effect of the Effer v. Kantner decision is that a court other than a court of the defendant 's country of domicile can not accept the jurisdiction on the mere assertion or pleading of the plaintiff .
15 possess any secret official code word , or password , or sketch , plan , model , article , note , document or information which relates to or is used in a prohibited place or anything in such a place , or which has been made or obtained in contravention of this Act , or which has been entrusted in confidence to him by any person holding office under Her Majesty or which he has obtained or to which he has had access owing to his position as a person who is or has been employed under a person who holds or has held such an office or contract — [ and who ] ( a ) communicates the code word , pass word , sketch , plan , model , article , note , document , or information to any person other than a person to whom he is authorised to communicate it , or a person to whom it is in the interest of the State his duty to communicate it , or ( aa ) uses the information in his possession for the benefit of any foreign power or in any other manner prejudicial to the safety or interests of the State , or ( b ) retains the sketch , plan , model , article , note , or document in his possession or control when he has no right to retain it or when it is contrary to his duty to retain it , or fails to comply with all directions issued by lawful authority with regard to the return or disposal thereof , or …
16 It will be seen , however , that although the Rules required that if the notice related to and was prejudicial to a person other than a member , a copy of the notice must be served upon him , such a person not only did not have any prior opportunity of making representations why the notice should not be issued , but was not given , under the Rules , the right to apply to set it aside , nor any right to appeal against the notice .
17 death of or injury to any person other than a member of your family or household or an employee
18 death of or bodily injury to any person other than a member of the Policyholders family or household or a person in the employment of the Policyholder
19 Where a plaintiff claims the delivery of goods let under a hire-purchase agreement to a person other than a body corporate , he shall in his particulars state in the following order : ( 1 ) the date of the agreement and the parties to it , with the number of the agreement or sufficient particulars to enable the debtor to identify the agreement ; ( 2 ) where the plaintiff was not one of the original parties to the agreement , the means by which the rights and duties of the creditor under the agreement passed to him ; ( 3 ) whether the agreement is a regulated agreement and , if it is not a regulated agreement , the reason why ; ( 4 ) the place where the agreement was signed by the debtor ( if known ) ; ( 5 ) the goods claimed ; ( 6 ) the total price of the goods ; ( 7 ) the paid-up sum ; ( 8 ) the unpaid balance of the total price ; ( 9 ) whether a default notice or a notice under s 76(1) or s 98(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 has been served on the debtor and if it has , the date on which and the manner in which it was so served ; ( 10 ) the date when the right to demand delivery of the goods accrued ; ( 11 ) the amount ( if any ) claimed as an alternative to the delivery of the goods ; and ( 12 ) the amount ( if any ) claimed in addition to the delivery of the goods or any claim under sub-paragraph ( 10 ) , stating the cause of action in respect of which each such claim is made .
20 ‘ ( 6 ) ( a ) A solicitor shall not enter into partnership with any person other than a solicitor , a registered foreign lawyer or a recognised body .
21 ( b ) A recognised body shall not enter into partnership with any person other than a solicitor or a recognised body .
22 ( 7 ) For the purpose of attending and voting at meetings a member of a recognised body shall not appoint as a proxy or corporate representative any person other than a solicitor who is a member or officer of or who is working in the practice of , or a registered foreign lawyer who is a member or director of , ( a ) the recognised body or ( b ) a recognised body which is itself a member of the recognised body .
23 ( 7 ) For the purpose of attending and voting at meetings a member of a recognised body shall not appoint as proxy or corporate representative any person other than a solicitor who is a member or officer of or who is working in the practice of , or a registered foreign lawyer who is a member or director of , ( a ) the recognised body or ( b ) a recognised body which is itself a member of the recognised body .
24 Nevertheless , it is the policy of the courts in England where there is security with recourse to property which can be effected by means other than a transaction of loan or charge , not to treat it as registrable under s395 of the Companies Act 1985 ( as amended ) .
25 ( 1 ) For the purposes of arts 5 and 7 ( see above ) : ( a ) the value of an action for a sum of money , whether specified or not , is the amount which the plaintiff or applicant reasonably expects to recover ; ( b ) an action for specified relief other than a sum of money : ( i ) has a value equal to the amount of money which the plaintiff or applicant could reasonably state to be the financial worth of the claim to him , or ( ii ) where there is no such amount , has no quantifiable value .
26 Not much can change in cricket other than a change of emphasis and tactics .
27 ‘ I say you have no reason other than a dislike of Connon , Mr Fernie .
28 Yearly tenancies held at rack rents ( i.e. rents that were not fixed by custom but which were negotiated by the landlord and tenant ) were common for the smaller farms and cottages and in the Midlands in particular they were usual for any property other than a freehold .
29 In the absence of detailed historical information other than a claim made by local hunters that great spotted cuckoos were absent from Guadix until 1962 ( ref. 8 ) , Soler and Möller assumed that cuckoos had only recently colonized the Guadix area .
30 Your home , staying or moving , any debts other than a mortgage , should you pay off your mortgage .
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