Example sentences of "[noun] than with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 While O'Neill would have shared some of those views , he was more concerned with the future than with the past and he deliberately set about ending Ulster 's ‘ petty apartheid ’ by visiting Catholic schools ( no previous Ulster premier had ever set foot in one ) , being photographed talking to priests and nuns , and meeting a cardinal .
2 The vitriolic anonymous letter he despatched to The Bell in the summer of 1858 had much less to do with the half-hearted way in which the government was handling the question of emancipation than with the way in which the regime proposed to run the empire after emancipation had been achieved .
3 In the UK a study in 1970 found that people were twice as likely to continue with coitus interruptus than with the diaphragm and in 1974 the International Planned Parenthood Federation declared that this time-honoured method ‘ probably remains the most widely used of all on a global scale ’ .
4 She is concerned less with syntactic definitions than with the role a word plays in the metaphoric process .
5 This quality is lacking in departments such as the Treasury or the Foreign Office which are pre-occupied more with policies than with the handling of individual cases .
6 The third form of patronage is again distinct , in that it is concerned less with the direct retaining and commissioning of artists than with the provision of some kind of social protection or recognition .
7 Pursuing the concept that art and life are one , modern artists have chosen to use degradable materials concerned more with the nightmare of the present than with the recognition of generations still to come .
8 For some , entering the market as consumers had more to do with necessity than with a growth in personal income .
9 The woman was more concerned with gathering evidence for her divorce than with the truth , and she was determined to browbeat everyone into believing her .
10 In June 1964 a law transformed RTF into O ( for ‘ Office ’ ( RTF's ' This law had more to do with the organizational needs of a body attempting to adjust to the expansion of broadcasting than with the issue of political control .
11 Both " skill " and " apprenticeship " are notions which have been challenged by feminist writers as having less to do with the intrinsic nature of the work than with the sex of the people doing it .
12 That is why it is important that the recent troubles at Lloyd 's have more to do with its constitution and management than with the riskiness of the world in which the organization operates .
13 For a few seconds a bemused-looking Morse appeared slightly more concerned with the criticism of his diction than with the prosecution of his case , and it was Downes who continued :
14 The remaining spouse , or whoever , often seems more concerned with the death of the pet than with the death of the human being .
15 The Office remarks that " he desired rather to be imbued more fully and deeply with the theological doctrines of Holy Scripture than with the study of physical and secular science " which looks as if he left after the trivium .
16 The reason why they turned to anthropology and history had more to do with their analysis of capitalism than with a concern with pre-capitalist societies for themselves .
17 But she assures me that you are far better off with a lensless eye than with no eye at all .
18 Tory MPs are worried that voters could face HIGHER bills with the council tax than with the poll tax .
19 Cheltenham Borough Council is shedding thirteen jobs from its treasury department because there is less work with the new council tax than with the poll tax .
20 The Muslim Brotherhood was less concerned with the liberation of Palestine than with the establishment of an Islamic state by peaceful means , possibly as a part of Jordan where its activities were tolerated by the authorities .
21 For the people of the territories it was a reminder that Jordan , Egypt and Syria were all more concerned with their own national and regional priorities than with the recovery of Palestine .
22 If it is pulling water from the bottom of the pool , you are more likely to encounter blockage than with a mid-water feed .
23 Mosley , whose economic thinking owed more to Keynes than to Hobson , was more concerned with the expansion of credit than with the redistribution of income as the key to economic recovery .
24 The researchers concluded that the decision to use robots in this way was because management was much more concerned with cost and product quality than with the quality of the working life of the welder .
25 As Golding was to remark in Stockholm in 1983 , on receiving the Nobel prize for literature , fiction has far more to do with the general mind of mankind than with the writer 's own quirks and obsessions : ‘ not just what the writer is thinking , but what a huge segment of the world is thinking . ’
26 The conclusions of this Lecture are perhaps concerned more with developments in economic theory than with the incidence of taxation , and we have emphasized throughout the Lectures that the study of taxation can be no more soundly based than the models that are employed ( explicitly or implicitly ) .
27 The result is significantly lower figures for ownership control than with a methodology such as that of Nyman and Silberston , discussed above .
28 She now thought that the Church was under attack from a Vatican more concerned with power and control than with the good of the people .
29 Slightly higher proliferation indices were found for the 4th and 5th compartments with the BrdU than with the PCNA technique .
30 Once he was in power , this alternative view would argue , his policies were more consistent with a belief that it was still feasible to salvage some kind of organic link between France and Algeria than with a belief in the inevitability of complete rupture .
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