Example sentences of "[noun] could [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , detinue was open to the very serious objection from the plaintiff 's point of view that the defendant could insist on the method of trial known as wager of law , i.e .
2 Timothy Renton , Minister of State at the Home Office , told the conference the Government would not push to legislate while neither shops nor shoppers could agree on a solution , pressure groups could not agree , and Parliament could find no consensus .
3 And science itself might be seen as an instrument of religious union in that all parties could agree on the existence of a Creator whose power was visible in nature .
4 Individual authors could write on the decline of national intelligence but public debate did not necessarily lead to action .
5 Manufacturers could play on the excitement of a commentary to sell their sets .
6 Prior to COGSA unseaworthiness was determinative of liability ; after COGSA a carrier could rely on the Harter Act derived exemptions for errors in navigation or management , even though the vessel was unseaworthy as long as the unseaworthiness was not the cause of the loss .
7 –Bach was well aware of the effects that the mind could exert on the body , realizing that an inharmonious , negative state of mind could impair the body 's vitality and reduce its ability to withstand environmental stress and insults .
8 The court found that the authority was an emanation of the state and referred to the European Court of Justice the questions of whether the dismissal of the applicant after reaching normal retirement age for a woman constituted discrimination prohibited by Council Directive ( 76/207/EEC ) and whether the applicant could rely on the directive in national courts notwithstanding any inconsistency between it and s. 6(4) of the Act of 1975 .
9 MV And South Korea could count on a peculiarly nasty dictatorship to help quicken the pace of its capitalist development .
10 They liked to check on the weather situation after briefing — they knew very well their lives could depend on the forecast .
11 A radical pluralism could build on the common ground emerging between these two traditions .
12 The West Green House and garden were closed to the public in April so that work could begin on a two-year restoration programme of the garden .
13 Come the warm weather , all Ray could find on the pond walls was a fine , powdery , dark green algae which was easily vacuumed away .
14 The pile of the arrow could catch on the inside of the bow .
15 Furthermore , a settlement arrangement was made whereby the creditor countries could exchange on a monthly basis their accumulations of the weaker currencies ( which they had been buying in the EC exchange markets ) for some other form of reserve asset .
16 IF HEAD teachers of opted-out schools were typical voters , the Conservatives could count on a landslide election result .
17 Once upon a time book-buying parents could rely on the classics to keep the kids quiet .
18 ‘ No footprints could show on the grass , ’ said Mortimer .
19 The House of Lords , while accepting that some elements of natural justice could apply to investigations and preliminary determinations , held that an opportunity to see the counter-statement was not required : no final decision was being made and if the taxpayer could comment on the counter-statement the Commissioners would wish to comment on those comments , thereby producing an endless succession of exchanges , bringing the administration to a standstill .
20 The taxpayer may seek to raise a robust argument based on fundamental Schedule E rules that the benefit should be limited to the amount which the taxpayer could obtain on a sale of the rights ( Tennant v Smith ( 1892 ) 3 TC 158 , Abbott v Philbin ( 1960 ) 39 TC 82 and Heaton v Bell ( 1969 ) 46 TC 11 ) .
21 Muslim deputies here said they were optimistic that a working group of senior deputies could agree on the reforms , which give the Muslims equal representation in parliament and transfer executive powers from the Christian president to a cabinet led by a Sunni Muslim prime minister .
22 An Anglo-Saxon settlement could draw on a variety of environments to maintain the supply of essential resources .
23 The league was charged also with responsibility for collective security , so that individual states could embark on a programme of disarmament .
24 Two by-elections at the Wrekin and one at Dover showed the threat that independents could pose on the anti-spending tack , and Lord Salisbury tried to guide the agitation into respectable channels through a People 's Union for Economy .
25 How well she knew — and who better ? — the devastating effect that this man 's presence could have on the female population .
26 He hoped Great Britain would support Austria-Hungary against Russia and that Germany could remain on the fence .
27 ‘ Could be that some tracks could emerge on a compilation , however , ’ says SF 's Clive Selwood .
28 The week from Saturday 9th March to Friday 15th March will be ‘ Be A Sport For Comic Relief ’ week , and it would be rather nice if every town/area in the country where we have classes could put on an event tied in with good local media coverage ( advanced warning to newspapers & radio — they will have received national press releases and be anxious to get local news ) — a sponsored ball bounce is probably the easiest thing to organise , but please let us know your ideas .
29 However , subject to the normal exemptions and depending upon the individual employee 's particular circumstances , a liability to capital gains tax could arise on a subsequent disposal of the shares .
30 The CEGB could rely on the Treasury to oppose the expenditure to reduce pollution which did most damage in remote Welsh hills , Scottish lochs and other countries .
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