Example sentences of "[noun] may seem [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , a condition or situation which is highly deprivatory in this respect for one man or woman under certain circumstances may seem of minor consequence for another person or against a different circumstantial background .
2 That it should have been modelled on the Temple of Solomon may seem at first sight presumptuous , but it was an age that relished allusion , and Solomon , son of David , was of royal descent , anointed by Zadok the priest , and the king par excellence .
3 Chemical giant ICI and Shell UK may seem like unlikely environmental saviours but they 're just two of the many firms pumping thousands into projects like this one .
4 The idea of a duty solicitor scheme to operate in a busy metropolitan magistrates ' court may seem to many to be a natural consequence of all the other paraphernalia of a socially conscious profession .
5 While clearly relevant to interpreting activities , this approach may seem of limited applicability in translation since it appears to rely heavily on phonological evidence .
6 I could perhaps put at least part of it in very homely erm and perhaps somewhat banal terms by saying that five minutes spent waiting for the person one loves may seem like five hours , whereas five hours spent with that person may appear a mere five minutes .
7 However desirable that possibility may seem to some people , and shall I tell you why , Walter ? ’
8 Intangible though bargaining power may seem at first , it has several important features .
9 To those raised on an Eighties diet of youth-oriented street style , such games of detail may seem like intellectual tiddly-winks .
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