Example sentences of "[noun] may [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Professor Stone 's views may differ greatly from Mr Irving 's , but one thing they ARE agreed on is that these diaries are genuine .
2 A clue to the violence of the break-up may lie also in the balance of weaponry inside Yugoslavia .
3 Getting such an installation — currently available for some forty GA aircraft types — approved by the CAA may add considerably to the cost of hardware and labour , as the British Gliding Association has been finding out .
4 Moreover , the risk that conventional conflicts may get out of hand and degenerate into nuclear disaster is one with which mankind will have to live for ever , and it strengthens the argument for attempting to keep conflicts within some kinds of bounds .
5 The state of the M25 has led to suggestions that bigger and better roads may lead only to worse jams .
6 If you encounter difficulties in this respect , do not hesitate to seek the advice of an animal behaviourist , since individual cases may benefit immensely from specific advice .
7 Hards , where seamen may step ashore without muddying their boots , occur where the water velocity is sufficient to carry away fine clays and sands .
8 In either case , the actual functioning of official institutions may differ greatly from their declared purposes .
9 MAGIC ITEMS : The Reiksmarshall may carry up to three magic items in total .
10 It is crucial that they be given a wholehearted , well-funded chance ; for otherwise the court of last resort may turn out to be the one where the Master of the Rolls holds sway .
11 It is crucial that they be given a wholehearted , well-funded chance ; for otherwise the court of last resort may turn out to be the one where the Master of the Rolls holds sway .
12 Anyone wishing to send a donation may do so to : The Countess of Euston , Elizabeth FitzRoy Homes , Freepost , Haslemere , GU27 2BR .
13 President Bush also came away from his talks with Mr Gorbachev in Malta convinced that the Soviet leader recognised that German reunification may turn out to be unavoidable , but that it must come as part of a wider European endeavour to end the post-war division of Europe .
14 President Bush also came away from his talks with Mr Gorbachev in Malta convinced that the Soviet leader recognised that German reunification may turn out to be unavoidable , but that it must come as part of a wider European endeavour to end the post-war division of Europe .
15 The storm may break again at any moment and you will be drenched .
16 Achieving cultures , based on principles of Self-help and free enterprise , were characteristic of the USA and north Europe during the period 1800 to 1960. purchasing patterns may alter significantly from the traditional roots , emphasising personal material possession and display , the possession of prestigious homes and objects , " one-upmanship " etc .
17 We have some patterns of expectation available to us , indeed , but we are at the mercy of the poet for which of those patterns may lie ahead of us .
18 Those with a particular political or religious upbringing may react strongly against that .
19 The arts and the heritage may benefit particularly from the latter .
20 In principle , it would seem that the performance of a genetic algorithm may depend significantly on the order of the basic data in each string .
21 But in much of this work there is a tendency to imply that the Japanese system is flexible and responsive enough to correct the negative features , although the response may take longer in some cases than others .
22 It should by now be clear to the reader that the purchase decision may turn out to be a highly complex one , subject to a wide variety of inter-related economic and behavioural influences .
23 When waves break it has been observed that a jet of water at the crest of the wave may move forward with twice the velocity of the wave as a whole , so that high pressures may be exerted for a period of a second or two on the cliff face .
24 In some cases students wishing to take an open audition for the full-time course may do so without paying the usual audition fee .
25 A course may change radically without changing its title ; conversely , re-titling a course may simply be an exercise in re-packaging it for external consumption .
26 I refer to would-be parliamentary candidates , Bordes-type aspirants with lunging bosoms and other improbable specimens , who seek to board the Candidates ' List , and in due course may turn up before our selection committees .
27 Cigarette smoking may prove yet to be as anachronistic to twenty-first century citizens as snuff-taking is to our own age .
28 Less commonly , in heavier infections of up to 30,000 worms , apparently healthy sheep may die suddenly from severe haemorrhagic gastritis .
29 Some birds may do better in that situation and some worse .
30 For example , migrating wading birds may stop off at particular estuaries en route from winter feeding grounds to summer breeding grounds ; and we will meet more examples ( eg of fish breeding in mangroves or coral reefs ) in the next chapter .
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