Example sentences of "[noun] just as it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is just because the whole of this institution of married women 's property existed in Equity only that Equity could mould the institution just as it pleased .
2 The pangolin is a forest animal and at the same time a taxonomic enigma : it cuts across several distinct categories in Lele zoology just as it does in ours .
3 Given the evidence that punishment which immediately precedes a forbidden act ( rarely possible for busy parents ) maximizes resistance to temptation and minimizes guilt , you might try not only to sanction misbehaviour promptly but ( where possible ) forestall your child 's action just as it gets under way .
4 The Regis was so vast it absorbed the Writers Internationale just as it absorbed the British Congress of Funeral Directors .
5 Theda stepped back and caught at the back of her hair just as it came tumbling down over her shoulders .
6 A theory for this cloud was proposed by Chang and Burnetti in Nature ( vol 314 , page 676 ) : that a meteor had encountered the cloud deck just as it shattered , producing heat that warmed the cloud layer over a large area .
7 But Brown did not tell Pincher that some of those agents had been betrayed with the knowledge and authority of MI6 , as part of Blake 's supposed role as a double agent , because the government had suppressed that part of the story just as it had Blake 's part in the Berlin tunnel affair .
8 The animal is knitted as a single motif just as it appears on the graph .
9 In the south of France , and especially the southeast , the legacy of Ancient Rome represented the overwhelming influence on Gothic architecture just as it had on Romanesque here before this .
10 I picked up Eddie just as it started to rain again , and we chatted all the way back to Simon 's office while she dressed herself in street clothes from a Sainsbury 's shopping-bag .
11 I do not mean to imply that the biochemistry is primary , or any more fundamental in the reductionist sense than the physiology ; what I am saying is that changed biochemistry translates into changed physiology just as it does into changed behaviour .
12 Look through the south door to the garden and there , across the moat , the formal garden of yews and allées stretches towards the downs just as it did when it was first laid out .
13 And on these gravelly soils , the Semillon flourishes just as it does in Bordeaux .
14 The obvious solution is to stop filling scarce space with bulky rubbish just as it left the bin : switch to recycling and incineration .
15 Masklin reached the door just as it opened .
16 ‘ The general public has a deepseated distrust of science and technology , and insists on ‘ civilian control ’ of science and scientists just as it insists on civilian control of the military ’ .
17 The American researchers got around the problem by synchronising a pulsed laser and a pulsed gas jet so the pulse of laser light hit the gas just as it emerged from the jet into the vacuum chamber .
18 Hungary lost much foreign creditor confidence as a consequence of the general deterioration in its economic performance just as it approached a period when it needed substantial foreign loans to service its debts , finance its convertible currency account deficit and replenish hard currency reserves .
19 This victory was to delight the masses just as it brought little pleasure to the newly energized forces of the political left , but , just as significantly , it was now also an occasional delight to a growing audience drawn from amongst critics , intellectuals , and the more respectable classes generally .
20 Consequently the onus of distinguishing between the ‘ deserving ’ and the ‘ undeserving ’ poor tended to fall upon the officer dealing with the applicant in the fields just as it had fallen upon the relieving officer in the past .
21 ‘ One of my regrets is leaving this project just as it has started to get off the ground , ’ said Det Insp Williams , who started out as a PC in the Cheshire Constabulary in 1963 .
22 If the borrower of bank A uses the overdraft to pay people who bank with banks B , C , etc. then the increase in the money supply appears in their deposits just as it did in the single bank case .
23 His picture adorns the lockers on the shop-floor just as it beckons from the shop-fronts of Prague .
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