Example sentences of "[noun] only [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There had , to be sure , been many cross-border investments , but in the main these were to replace imports and were based on exploiting competitive advantage only within a particular country .
2 But the almost perverse acceptance of this backwardness began to wilt before the spirit of improvement which gripped much of English society after mid-century , although Sussex gave up its secrets only with a hard battle .
3 Apparently , because my employment had officially been terminated by me , I had arguably made myself voluntarily unemployed and was therefore entitled to benefit money only after a certain period .
4 Owing to the curvature of the bridge , the top two notes only of a three- or four-part chord can be sustained .
5 In 1988 Margaret Thatcher squeezed sight-test charges through Parliament only after a Tory rebellion that shrank her majority by 28 votes .
6 Yet in relation to our local communities , these bureaucrats are part of the dominant ideology only in a relative sense .
7 Star ratings , based both on equestrian and accommodation standards , run from a white one where there are well kept horse and ponies only to a purple one which offers farmhouse fare of a high standard , and where riding facilities include an indoor and outdoor riding school .
8 Because we knew that the headmaster of the Scuola Medie Inferiori , where I was now in my last year , was not in a position to punish us if we did not appear for lessons on demonstration days , many of us took part only for a short time and then went home .
9 And , notwithstanding the very high authority of Lord Coke , I think it is not the fact that to accept prompt payment of a part only of a liquidated demand can never be more beneficial than to insist on payment of the whole .
10 Evidently there is something odd about the expression imperator noster divus Marcus , for noster is generally used of the current emperor , and divus of course only of a deceased one .
11 On the other hand Labour 's commission will start to develop proposals only after a broad social and economic ‘ audit ’ of the population has been carried out this year .
12 From collections of legal formulae we know something about the local archives of a city , in which wills and other actions were registered , and we find various officials , the defensor , curator , magister militum and other members of the local curia being called upon to open the archives for the registration of new grants , but we have Formularies only from a small number of civitates , and their contents are not often datable , except to the period before the ninth century , when most of them were written down .
13 With a side-look at the American inner cities , he argues that collective provision must be linked not just with the needs of the have-nots , but ‘ with all people who are able to exercise their freedom only within a cooperative society imbued with a sense of fairness ’ .
14 As long as Kristeva 's third stage is present in our thinking only as a Utopian dream , feminists can not simply refuse to get involved in this endless discourse of difference ; people who claim that this is a postfeminist era are living in a dream world .
15 It was completely contrary to Lord Darlington 's natural tendencies to take such public stances as he came to do and I can say with conviction that his lordship was persuaded to overcome his more retiring side only through a deep sense of moral duty .
16 What had previously been gossip only within a small circle had become widely known throughout the world , excepting however that substantial part of the British public which did not have international Contacts .
17 All about Keswick he had noticed gangs of men building the giant reaches of drystone walls enclosing even the highest fell-land , the better to take advantage of grain prices in the war ; gangs of men working the woods , as charcoal-burners , swill-makers , coppice-workers , plain woodmen ; and , as here , men in the high mines — men spread all over the landscape , bondmen of industry , all living out near their workplace , turf huts and teepees scattered abroad , excluded from society throughout the week of their work and let into its comforts and pleasure only for a brief Saturday night escape .
18 A spokeswoman for SGS-Thomson said the company discusses investment only on a global , company-wide basis , and has said nothing specific about investing in Malaysia .
19 Those in a correlated condition experienced the light only after a correct response in the presence of one of the cues ( and thus , as the task was learned , increasingly often along with this cue ) ; those in an uncorrelated condition received the light after 50 per cent of rewarded responses whether these were in made in the presence of the tone or of the clicker .
20 Central Office tried to keep the local parties alive , for the party truce was only renewed for a few months at a time and parliament was prolonged beyond its five-year term only for a few months at a time too .
21 Jim remains an enigma , penetrated through action only to a certain point .
22 A number of statutes contain provisions allowing review only within a limited period , commonly being six weeks .
23 The college doors were firmly closed , affording entry only through a smaller aperture , barely the size of a human being , cut into one of them .
24 Rumour had it that on a less poetic occasion the Emperor had visited the pavilion accompanied only by Mme Walewska , his current favourite , embarking in a small rowing boat and returning with the lady only after a considerable lapse of time .
25 In Ajdabiya , too , the police intervened in civil wrongs only as a last resort : occasionally , for example , disputes over water-rights occurred between lineages , even sections of lineages , and one or other party would try to enlist the support of the police .
26 The referential function gains its prominence only at a later stage , and the metalinguistic function also comes later ; these are the functions on which a considerable amount of attention is lavished at school .
27 This experience , acquired in an age when the chemist was regarded as an expert only in a special field , turned Davis into a generalist and made him realize that the enormous variety of industrial chemical processes could be reduced to a relatively small number of operations , and that the study of these in the abstract would enable general principles to be discovered which could be applied to any process operation — the keystone of chemical engineering .
28 How long it will remain confidential is a matter for debate , but the US government intends to control the technology 's export strictly , issuing licences only on a case-by-case basis and then only to ‘ US companies seeking to use these devices to secure their own communications abroad ’ .
29 At present the National Rivers Authority charges for distraction and abstraction licences only at a level sufficient to cover its monitoring costs .
30 His brother , who succeeded him as the Emperor Leopold II , was able to restore peace in the disturbed areas only by a skilful mixture of force and concessions .
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