Example sentences of "[noun] said [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr V.P. Singh said his immediate priority was to deal with separatist and secessionist violence in the Punjab , Jammu and Kashmir .
2 When Mrs Currie said her famous one-liner about eggs and salmonella , the egg consumption in this country plummeted by an incredible 30% , more or less overnight , and she achieved far more by that sentence than the entire medical profession had achieved in 20 years .
3 His lawyer said his real punishment had already happened .
4 Linda said his first words to her were : ‘ Oh mum . ’
5 During a recent interview on BBC Radio Cleveland 's Alan Wright programme , Maire Brennan said their best audiences are found in the North-East and the group will be returning here as soon as they can .
6 Mrs Adams said her four sons — Richard , nine , Stuart , five , Mark , two , and Thomas , 11 months — were still coming to terms with the loss of their father , a former Royal Air Force engineer whom she described as a happy , family man .
7 Lyalin said his personal task was to destroy the early-warning radar station at Fylingdales while other agents would flood the London underground system .
8 Fewer visitors there may have been , but those who did make it from Ireland said their traditional farewell to the town 's Queen 's Hotel last night .
9 Mr Le Pen said his 17-member party was being persecuted and unjustly accused of racism and fascism .
10 The crowd roared as Mrs Aquino said her former Defence Secretary , Senator Juan Ponce Enrile , should be investigated for complicity in the coup attempt .
11 Lord Aldington said his earlier statements that he left the area between 25 and 29 May were made before he had properly researched the matter and before he realised his departure date was crucial .
12 The council said its previous attempts to stop Sunday trading at a variety of businesses had been unsuccessful and the Trust would be allowed to trade until the High Court hearing which could be ‘ months away . ’
13 THE ATTORNEY General Sir Nicholas Lyell is to review the sentence of a sex offender who was spared jail after a judge said his eight-year-old victim was ‘ not entirely an angel . ’
14 A judge said our youngest competitor 's plot ‘ would be a credit to any seasoned allotmenteer . ’
15 15% said they were badly affected — and of those , roughly one half said their main problem was that they found it difficult to pick up their usual programmes on LW .
16 Despite this growing equality of method of contraception , in the 1970s about 20 per cent of the wives of non-manual workers , 27 per cent of the wives of skilled manual workers , and 47 per cent of the wives of unskilled manual workers said their last pregnancy was unintended ( Dunnell 1979 ) .
17 Phil said his earliest memories of life at the Brandywell would remain with him forever .
18 Nevertheless , a couple of drinks later it transpired that one of them has a boyfriend who gets up at six in the morning to meditate , while the other said her best friend had been snapped out of a severe depression by a weekend of psychodrama .
19 The next day she discovered from Liddy that Sergeant Troy 's supposed father was a doctor , but people said his real father was a nobleman .
20 Sugar said his main reaction was one of ‘ relief ’ that the issue had been settled because he had received such abuse from a small section of Tottenham fans .
21 Mrs Johnson said her long-term dream was to complete her two-year course and begin a career as a legal executive .
22 Doctors said his main injuries were psychological and the ‘ shattering experience ’ has left him with post traumatic stress syndrome .
23 Mrs Elaine Wake said her 18-year-old brother takes home £205 a week working in a supermarket .
24 The prosecutor said her former husband ‘ was trying to destroy her happiness and the prospects of her remarrying ’ .
25 The massive funeral was held as the family of UFF murder victim Peter Gallagher said its sad farewells in Toomebridge .
26 Alcatel NV said its equally-owned Alcatel Qualcomm joint venture with Qualcomm Inc signed an accord with Combellga for the sale and service of its satellite truck messaging and tracking system in Russia : Combellga is a joint venture between Russian telephone company Comincom , Belgian telephone operators MGTS and Belgacom and Alcatel 's Belgian unit Alcatel Bell Telephone Co SA .
27 Some children said our hoped-for bus had gone through so Mohammed and Ali wandered off and somehow hired or hijacked a pick up truck .
28 Susanne said their five-year marriage was over .
29 Michael 's step-father said he first thought there had been an earthquake .
30 The South Eastern Education Board said its internal audit staff will be increased — and detailed changes to procedures for ordering , delivery and payments have already been implemented .
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