Example sentences of "[noun] been [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The tendering process has in a number of cases been used by local authority managers to reassert their right to manage ’ ( 1988 , p. 187 ) .
2 Never before in my experience has such a large degree of surface noise been eliminated without any loss of recording information .
3 Alternative explanations of the relationship between human beings and land have of course been raised within Western culture , most notably in the work of Karl Marx ( see Chapter 1 ) .
4 Attempts had of course been made before 1513 to link taxation more directly to personal riches , but they had been unpopular and , in general , ineffective .
5 Douglas , disappointed , had of course been prepared for this also , and wasted little time in cursing .
6 Many cultural formations have of course been restricted in this way .
7 If this makes it seem inevitable that Labour 's electoral support should slump , it has to be pointed out that , according to the opinion polls , Labour might well have won had an election been called in 1978 .
8 Moreover , any initial support for the Japanese as ousters of Western imperialism had for the most part been transformed into armed nationalist movements anxious to oust the Japanese in their turn and achieve real independence .
9 In the interests of conciseness and convention , it is necessary to use here the suffix notation for vector equations which has for the most part been avoided in this book ( the other main exception being the appendix to Chapter 5 ) .
10 He had many times been reduced to helpless rage by Graham 's attitude to his subjects , by his refusal to give science stories the importance Mike believed they had , but at least he was consistent in his attitudes .
11 Had Germany been unified in 1989 , it would have stayed top .
12 Never before , or perhaps since , have birds been portrayed with such vitality , dexterity , and accuracy .
13 On the domestic scene glass has for centuries been worked into fine tableware , chandeliers and ornaments .
14 ‘ One can only speculate what would have happened had this not been done but I seriously doubt if we would be meeting here today had not the capital infusion been made in 1990 and this plan put into place and well executed .
15 Never before , however , has oral amiodarone been reintroduced after this type of reaction .
16 The exuberance he felt is manifest in his drawings : rarely have topographical subjects been treated with such freedom and energy .
17 He had a soft manner , a hard mind and a lean body ; his extraordinary combination of merits and ambition would have ensured that , had Richard been born into any other family in Britain , he would have risen to an equally exalted position in the world .
18 The argument had in effect been adjourned to this week , during which time the group was to read and digest the pamphlets Sheila had brought along .
19 The stockmarket has in effect been closed to new equity issues for three years , and banks will lend only to the safest borrowers .
20 There are some 120 published clinical studies on procaine , yet rarely has pharmacological research been blessed with such endless bickering between opposing camps .
21 Have not paintings of nudes been presented as such ?
22 ‘ Has the cargo been transferred to another train in Fribourg ? ’
23 Had the infantry been thrown in first , it might have succeeded , giving the cavalry time to regroup and adopt some outflanking tactics .
24 So sharply have the battle lines been drawn between Soviet , liberal and libertarian historians that fruitful debate between them has been all but impossible .
25 Not without reason has his impact on theology been compared with that of Einstein on physics .
26 Monkey Mia , on the remote western coastline of Australia , has for more than two decades been visited by wild dolphins .
27 Perhaps never before in the history of Birmingham Town Hall has such a successful meeting been sponsored by such a flimsy organisation .
28 It was possible that the van had been used to transport Riddle 's body , but if so , where had the body been kept for twenty-four hours ?
29 For adult offenders these had for many years been confined to absolute or conditional discharges , fines and probation orders .
30 ( a ) Examples of additional enquiries ( 1 ) Is the seller aware of any development or proposals for the development or use of property in the neighbourhood which might adversely affect the property or the amenities of persons living in it ? ( 2 ) Has the property to the seller 's knowledge been affected at any time by structural , building or drainage defects , flooding , dry rot , timber infestation or rising damp ? ( 3 ) Please confirm that any damage caused to decorations by the removal of fixtures and fittings will be made good by the seller before completion .
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