Example sentences of "[noun] have a [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the Consumers ' Association have a publication entitled Taking your own case to court or tribunal designed to assist the layman wishing to take his own case rather than instruct solicitors ; but it warns potential litigants that to take on a particularly complicated legal action without legal help would be madness .
2 But manager Maurice Setters knows his side have a struggle to qualify from a tough section — Germany are the other team in five-nation group three .
3 Schools have a tendency to call in parents on their own terms only : the genuine involvement of parents must include curriculum development , not just being brought in as cheap labour to read stories in the classroom .
4 Might farm schools have a part to play ?
5 Poor readers have a tendency to produce spelling errors which are non-phonological in that the sound structure of the intended word is not well represented in the error ( see Camp and Dolcourt , 1977 ; Frith , 1979 ) .
6 That being said , it remains true that whatever their view of its deficiencies , our readers have a duty to lend their influence to support the Tory faction .
7 THE province 's young emerging stars of the future have a chance to enhance their reputations still further when the Ulster development side face their Leinster counterparts at Donnybrook on Easter Tuesday .
8 The code states : Newspapers and journalists have a duty to defend the freedom of the press in the interests of the public , and to resist censorship .
9 The weekly Force Orders which every force publishes for internal circulation have a section listing the latest transfers in departments , specialist units , and divisions .
10 Other principles accepted by the declaration were : i ) that the polluter should pay for the cost of the clean-up ; ii ) that environmental damage should be guarded against even if there were no apparent scientific reasons for doing so — the " precautionary principle " ; iii ) that women have " a vital role in environmental management and development " ; and iv ) that , while nations have a right to exploit their own resources , they must not damage the environments of other states .
11 Bill , Stella and Jean have a flat built on the end of this house , and Ling has his own quarters near the kitchen .
12 Put simply , LEAs have a duty to intervene when children are not being educated .
13 Er these gentlemen have a presentation to make and I wonder if Ron would come up here for a moment , please .
14 I believe that all parties have a role to play in implementing the peace accord , but of course the South African Government have the primary responsibility for the impartial maintenance of law and order .
15 The House , individual hon. Members and political parties have a role to play , as have the political parties in the Republic of Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Ireland , who have a central role .
16 However Pearl ( 1984 ) has shown that there is a crucial relationship between the heuristic estimate h* ( n ) , and the costs on the paths of a binary tree search space and that , when most of the branches have a cost associated with them , exponential search is inevitable .
17 We shall , however , take care not to prejudice the great asset that native speakers have a tendency to focus more on message and less on medium than non-native foreign-language teachers do .
18 The school 's lollipop lady says some drivers have a lot to learn .
19 Unhappy homes have a tendency to breed further unhappy homes in succeeding generations .
20 People like to present good news , like to present themselves favourably and of course organisations , many organisations , do in practice have a y'know shoot the messenger y'know if the messenger brings bad news , shoot the messenger er philosophy .
21 In the larger vessels , there is endarteritis and periarteritis which progresses to fibrosis , and at necropsy the vessels have a pipe-stem feel on palpation .
22 Quite a few hangars have a tendency to rain inside in the morning as frozen condensation melts and you might want to consider strategically placing silica gel bags inside .
23 Drinkers have a right to know whether the beer they are drinking is a genuine barley malt product or whether it is stuffed full of such tasty ingredients as corn syrup , propylene glycol alginate , amyloglucosidase , papain enzymes and potassium metabisulphite .
24 MacArthur is modestly surprised by all the praise and talk of awards that has greeted her recent performances : ‘ These roles have a lot to do with the reason I became an actress in the first place — I still think of my career as being about to begin ! ’
25 Two local historians working on a book about the brothers have a publisher lined up and are aiming to have the book ready in time for the 75th anniversary of Roland Bradford 's death in November .
26 Though keen rivals , such gangs have a propensity to combine against a common enemy .
27 Some modern Troll harnesses have a 2cm sewn tape linking leg loops and waistbelt which is ideal for karabiner attachment .
28 Often a debilitated fish could be saved if it could just be persuaded to feed — perhaps such formulations have a role to play .
29 To prepare these guides the club have a party walking the bank while others are paddling the river .
30 His interest in the precedents is exhausted , for this purpose at least , once he is satisfied that according to his conception of law they establish only that mothers at the scene have a right to recover , and this is clear immediately and with no reflection about larger underlying principles whose nature is a matter of dispute .
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