Example sentences of "[noun] have [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 [ … ] The decision-makers have no agreed set of objectives or common definition of social welfare .
2 In retrospect these words have a prophetic ring about them .
3 His words have a surprising resonance in today 's Eastern Europe .
4 Granted that words have a certain elasticity of meaning , the general rule remains that the judges regard themselves as bound by the words of a statute when these words clearly govern the situation before the court .
5 This was drawn up on account of the difficulty which the negotiators at The Hague had in agreeing whether or not irregular forces in occupied territory might or might not qualify for combatant status , but its words have a wider relevance :
6 In general we assume that words have a standardised spelling in British English .
7 You will find that certain words have a significant meaning for the topic or subject matter you are examining .
8 6.1 Quiet enjoyment To permit the Tenant peaceably and quietly to hold and enjoy the Premises without any interruption or disturbance from or by the Landlord or any person claiming under or in trust for the Landlord [ or by title paramount ] This covenant quite often contains a provision that it is dependent upon the tenant paying the rent reserved by the lease and performing and observing the covenants on its part and the conditions contained in the lease , but these words have no practical effect , and do not render payment of the rent and performance of the covenants conditions precedent to the operation of the covenant ( Edge v Boileau ( 1885 ) 16 QB 117 ) .
9 It is sometimes easier to hear that two words have the same pattern .
10 This occurs when two words have the same vowel sounds in conjunction with different consonantal sounds : A stitch in time saves nine .
11 Both elements of the total rent have the same VAT treatment .
12 These characteristics have no real place in vibrant Christian worship , whether of Catholic or Evangelical variety .
13 Aycock has not shown for some years and so fans of her precisely-crafted contraptions have a great treat in store when her show opens at John Weber on 13 February .
14 From their first-floor sitting room the Lloyds have a new perspective on the garden , the pool and the top of their pergola !
15 This means that the TEI Guidelines have a dual focus : being concerned with both what should be encoded in an electronic text , and how that encoding should be represented for interchange .
16 Thus , in a colonial situation , subordinate peoples have a particular group identity forced upon them by the operation of power , rather than by some prior common features .
17 Pollerton 's Pride and Diane Clay have a great chance of defying a 7lb penalty in the Tyne Handicap Hurdle ( 3.05 ) .
18 Swindon Town and Oxford United fans have a long tradition of rivalry .
19 Thier fans have a reasonable sense of humour ( I suppose they have to ! ) for example when confronted with the chant ‘ going down , going down etc ’ they immediately replied with ‘ so are we … ’ .
20 The fact that other fans recognise his behaviour as deplorable and ‘ beyond the pale ’ is seen as proof that most fans have a tacit knowledge of the rules of disorder .
21 This study confirms that patients with Barrett 's columnar lined lower oesophagus have a marked degree of acid gastrooesophageal reflux , considerably exceeding that seen in the majority of patients with erosive oesophagitis without columnarisation .
22 Lastly , I think Jim Perrin is being more than generous to suggest that climbers and walkers have an exemplary record in observing agreements and their respect for the environment .
23 The Icelanders have a fine attitude towards their country .
24 One Tuesday and the other Tuesday have a local history and third Tuesday have something else .
25 ‘ All the house styles have a Roman theme — like The Centurian and The Apollo , ’ he says .
26 At either end of the beach , where the sea beats directly on the face of the cliffs , the crabs have a harder time of it .
27 GLCABS have a written list of questions that each recruit will be asked .
28 Schools have a professional responsibility to offer guidance to young people in transition to work .
29 In particular the HMI discuss the role of schools in a changing society , arguing , for example , that schools have a limited role in social change , and rejecting the ‘ curriculum for violent change ’ .
30 While the arguments of the defenders of catholic schools have a theological basis , those of the promoters of integrated schooling have been founded on what they see to be the results of the present system , namely a violent and destructive society .
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