Example sentences of "[noun] have [been] [v-ing] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Lib Dems have been gaining ground in Cheltenmham for some years .
2 Led by conductor Richard McNicol , pupils and teachers from 27 Cleveland primary schools have been exploring Mussorgsky 's Pictures at an Exhibition by composing their own versions of it .
3 These schools have been using microcomputers for three years and have had substantial teacher training , provision of materials and other support services from the ILEA .
4 This second year of decline followed eight years of modest growth ; but over the long term independent schools have been losing market share .
5 More than 30,000 pupils from 70 Wirral schools have been raising money for Winch , which expects to hand over a five-figure cheque to the national appeal the following Friday .
6 Offshore units have been piloting changes in the job training format which will result in a reduction in paperwork and clearer guidance for the trainers .
7 During the weeks before the event local playschemes , youth clubs and other community organizations have been preparing costumes and props in anticipation of the visit .
8 Labour have been talking Britain down so hard , relishing every piece of bad news , rubbing their hands at any failure in public services , that they have chosen to forget what a great country Britain really is , ’ said the broadcast .
9 Shops selling large electrical goods such as television sets , hi-fi and washing machines have been the first to suffer from the slowdown in spending , while large chains like Comet and Dixons have been losing market share to small independent shopkeepers .
10 Evidence suggests that some LEAs have been redistributing resources to meet their obligations under the 1981 Act .
11 WRAC recruits have been doing weapon training only since July 1988 , but they quickly master the skills of stripping and assembling , cleaning and preparing , before they progress to live firing on the ranges .
12 Olympus have been producing pocket recorders since 1969 and invented the microcassette that combines the advantages of a normal size cassette including excellent sound quality and lengthy recording time whilst allowing the recorder to be truly pocketable .
13 In the meantime , all four major further education teacher training centres in England — Huddersfield and Wolverhampton Polytechnics , Bolton Institute of Higher Education , and Garnett College have been developing proposals for pre-service courses leading to a BEd .
14 UK industry has already agreed to an 85 per cent interim cut in CFCs and carbon tetrachloride for 1993 and representatives of user industries and manufacturers have been meeting Department of the Environment officials to discuss the practicalities of cutting 1,1,1-trichloroethane and halons .
15 The logic is inescapable and is supported by no less a body than the French Centre d'Observation Economique ( CEO ) , which published a report last month showing that French franc appreciation hit French export competitiveness in mid-1992 , while French manufacturers have been losing ground in their domestic market since the middle of 1991 .
16 Pensioners at the complex have been collecting money to help the town 's hospice appeal for the last two years .
17 The Training Department has also been involved in CCG 's expansion and over the past three months trainers have been delivering induction courses for our openings at SG Warburg , British Gas Heysham , Sunderland schools and recent public sector contracts .
18 Sound engineers , lighting technicians , set designers , carpenters and electricians have been working night and day , high on the adrenalin that 90 minutes of live T.V. induces .
19 US aircraft have been dropping supplies by air since 1 March , but aid workers say that is not enough to feed the people .
20 Opponents of the Big Bonus have been issuing handbills and vidmail shots featuring T-H-R scene-of-the-crime photographs from the horrific quadruple cheerleader-slaying in Columbus , Ohio , of last December .
21 Tord Haraldsson from Alingsas , who belongs to the investigating task force , said that similar assaults in Denmark and the US have turned out to be sectarian rituals , where fanatics have been drinking horses ' blood to gain strength .
22 Detectives believe terror gangs have been renting flats in London and the Midlands using them as a base for operations and then moving on .
23 Recently , some members of the Jockey Club have been throwing insults at the big commercial bookmakers and the state-run betting system , known as the Tote .
24 With a wet spring giving way to brilliant dry weather many of the mountain crags have been receiving attention , both in terms of new routes and repeats of less frequented or unrepeated lines .
25 A THOUSAND stalkers on the Scottish hills this winter have been shooting deer to keep their record numbers under control .
26 Terry and his wife Janice have been fighting Vodaphone with a petition and a stream of correspondence .
27 Police frogmen have been searching lakes looking for a weapon … believed to be a six inch blade .
28 A few of these associations have been providing homes in rural locations , and although individually their impact has not been great , collectively it is growing .
29 While NGOs in England have been meeting ministers and senior civil servants on a regular basis and having open discussions on subjects such as funding for voluntary environmental work via the DoE 's Environment Forum , all we have had is a typically furtive ‘ consultation ’ on Environment Wales .
30 The entrails of the law have been choking press freedoms throughout the nineteen eighties .
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